Journal Entries

All Quiet On The Western Front....

....actually all quiet on all fronts.smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin
We always seem to get this lull in activity after the November journal challenge plus folk also start getting ready for the xmas festivities. I've put my journal effort into a table on my ps though it currently only works well in the Ripley skins not in Pliny. I'll worry about making them work when the new stuff is launched later on.
I won't be doing a fat lot for Christmas though this year I will be at my brothers in his new abode on Christmas day.smiley - spacesmiley - xmastree
The laser eye surgery has been a complete success, no issues arising, I've finished the eye drops now so hopefully next week I might get my new reading glasses.smiley - spacesmiley - geek
My diet is going well, I've lost 10lbs so far and heading resolutely to what the smiley - spacesmiley - doctorsmiley - space said he wants me at, which is between 7 and 8 stone. Thesmiley - spacesmiley - nursesmiley - space on the other hand says 8 to 9 stone. I'm going to aim for 8 stone, that gives me some leeway and means I do actually have to lose a stone and a half to get there. The NHS BMI calculator tends to go more towards the smiley - nurses limits. smiley - spacesmiley - whistle
The weather has been somewhat indifferent of late and this w/e is no exception so I will be settling down to watch some films and play on the pc.
Hope everyone is well, take care, ttfn. smiley - spacesmiley - towel

smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2013

Eye eye, wots going on 'ere then...

....smiley - spacesmiley - geeksmiley - spaceI had the laser eye surgery on Monday and it was a complete success. The difference is absolutely amazing. Everything is sharply back in focus and I can read fonts as small as 6, clear as day, (and that's with existing reading glasses). Distance vision is back to 20/20. I have to wait 3 mths before getting replacement reading glasses as there is a small chance of this clouding re-occurring in that time but if all is well when optician checks then new glasses for reading will be sorted. I have to put eye drops in 4 times a day for a week too.
I'm now going through the pc's etc reducing font sizes and screen resolutions etc to match the new vision capabilities.smiley - spacesmiley - geeksmiley - spacesmiley - magic
We had the xmas do here yesterday and I got to meet the 2 new tenants who moved in, one over the w/e, the other was last week. In my block we're now down to just 2 male residents, myself and J on the ground floor. The rest of the flats all have female occupants. Plants and ornaments, pictures and suchlike have appeared in the hallways. Me and J tend to stick out somewhat as our area of hall are bereft of such items.smiley - spacesmiley - whistlesmiley - spaceThere is now also the addition of xmas decorations starting to appear as well. I'll have to have a think about what I can do to brighten my section up. A small black doormat doesn't quite do it I feel.smiley - spacesmiley - laugh
Right, lunchtime rapidly approaching so time to sort some fodder, do me eye drops then back to font changing on the laptop and tablet PC.
Have a good day folks, ttfn.smiley - spacesmiley - towel

smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 2013

BMT's 30th Nov. NaJoPoMo

So, here we are, last day of NaJoPoMo and as usual there's been a vast array of topics covered. From the everyday mundane tasks we do to some really heartfelt personal stories.
For me, the stand out journals throughout the month have been Asteroid Lil's life in a care institution. Without doubt she has approached the various topics, from life to death, with both humour and sincerity. I can only end by wishing her well and saying thank you for such an eye-opening account of life as seen by a resident of Ladera.smiley - spacesmiley - smiley
As for the remainder of today, I will be doing my usual domestic chores, (which won't take long) then looks like it'll be pc related stuff followed up with a film or 3 as there's nowt on tv as per usual.
I'll be off for the Laser eye surgery on Monday and Tuesday there's a Christmas gathering of residents here. They don't call it a party as such, instead of the usual smiley - spacesmiley - coffeesmiley - space morning routine there'll be some alcoholic beverages, smiley - spacesmiley - cakesmiley - space and other xmas type treats. As I'm an alcohol free zone I guess it'll be the usualsmiley - spacesmiley - coffeesmiley - spacefor me.smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin
On that note, I've had lunch so time to have a ferret through me film library and sort sumat out to watch.smiley - spacesmiley - geek
Have a good day folks and well done to everyone who took part in NaJoPoMo. smiley - spacesmiley - oksmiley - spacettfn. smiley - spacesmiley - towel

smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2013

BMT's 29th Nov. NaJoPoMo

Not a day for being out and about much. It's been wet, windy and cold all day.smiley - spacesmiley - brrsmiley - space I braved the elements for a brief spell in order to collect a repeat prescription but decided against doing any shopping. The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow so may nip out first thing before the crowds start with the usual Christmas rubbish shopping.smiley - spacesmiley - whistle
Considering personal debt is supposed to be at an all time high it doesn't seem to stop folk spending wads on xmas trash.smiley - spacesmiley - erm
As per usual, nowt on tv worth watching so I think it'll be dvd film time again. Going to start with the star studded 'A Bridge Too Far' followed by 'The Battle Of Britain'. That'll take care of viewing for the rest of today.
Whatever you're upto folks, stay safe and warm, ttfn. smiley - spacesmiley - towel

smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2013

BMT's 28th Nov. NaJoPoMo

Ooh I'm well late today. Been out most of the day and then got engrossed watching some comedy dvd's I got off my brother. I now know why Roy Chubby Brown isn't on mainstream TVsmiley - spacesmiley - whistlesmiley - spacesmiley - rofl
There's just 2 days left of this NaJoPoMo challenge and I reckon the response and variety seen this year has been amazing. I've still some catching up to do but I will read all. Well done to all who took part in whatever form they used.smiley - spacesmiley - ok
I'm now going to finish the comedy evening off by watching Lee Evans.
Back to the usual routine tomorrow so take care folks. ttfn.smiley - spacesmiley - towel

smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2013

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