This is the Message Centre for The Krylma Leader

Well, that's that.

Post 441

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

methinks we need a mission.

Well, that's that.

Post 442

soeasilyamused, or sea

*evillene looks at sea*

[sea] OH, no... don't look at me. the last time i had an idea of my own... it backfired bigtime.

Well, that's that.

Post 443

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

yes, but it was entertaining at least. smiley - winkeye

Well, that's that.

Post 444

The Krylma Leader

Your mission is to prepare for work aboard the OmegaMatic as soon as I finish it.

Well, that's that.

Post 445


evilene, this is where you have been hideingsmiley - smiley

Well, that's that.

Post 446

The Krylma Leader

Okay, here's a mission for all of you: go to a guide entry of a city or country, or something. When there, make a posting along the lines of "I claim this city in the name of STUMPED!", or "Finally, after days of ferocious battle, the dust clears: STUMPED is the obvious victor."

Well, that's that.

Post 447


You sure ?

Well, that's that.

Post 448

Uncle Heavy [sic]

It wouldn't work!

Not while there's breath in my body etc

Well, that's that.

Post 449

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] try and stop us. ha. no, really, i mean it. try. it will give us something to do.

Well, that's that.

Post 450


I thought we were going to take over the universe ?

Well, that's that.

Post 451

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

yes. city by city.

Well, that's that.

Post 452


Kewl !smiley - clown

Well, that's that.

Post 453

soeasilyamused, or sea

*has already started*

Well, that's that.

Post 454

The Krylma Leader

Just attack one city for now. Come back with a URL of your conquered city.

*Evil glint in his eyes*

After we capture enough, then we'll move onto the *really* hard to defend areas! Crater Labs, The Beach, Mount SandEverest, The Aroma Cafe,...with places like those in the empire, who would dare oppose us?

Well, that's that.

Post 455


you realy shure this is going to work ?

Well, that's that.

Post 456

The Krylma Leader

I don't expect it to work. We're the bad guys. I expect it to *almost* work.

Well, that's that.

Post 457

Uncle Heavy [sic]

You'll never get away with it! If it wasn't for these unbreakable argonite bonds I'd stop you! So help me!

(I really write myself into a corner, but hey - its more fun this way)

Let! Me! Go! You villains!

Well, that's that.

Post 458

The Krylma Leader


*KL snaps his fingers and several worker droids pick up UH (with the bonds), and carry him to a spaceship that will land at the Risa space station, where another worker droid will remove the bonds. KL waves goodbye to UH, and turns back to everyone else*

Just out of curiosity, who put him in the bonds? Oh, well. In any event, just place the URLs for your victory in this forum.

Well, that's that.

Post 459

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*It's part of the fun!*

Never! *struggles*
You'll never get away with it!
*Knocked on head. sags*

Well, that's that.

Post 460

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P let the fun begin... :-)

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