This is the Message Centre for The Krylma Leader

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 381

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea, wearing a gas mask kindly supplied by NYC, freezes. evillene pushes her*

[sea] hey!!!

*sea pushes evillene. evillene pushes sea harder. naturally this escalates into one of their traditional catfights. they fail to pay any attention whatsoever to the gas-thingy*





*sound of hair being pulled*

*feminine screams of rage*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 382

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*evillene rips of sea's gas mask. sea turns a pale color. the cat-fight ends. NYC frowns*


Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 383

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

[Giguschild]#thinks# Hmmmm. That was useful information; I could have been a bit stuck without it. Well...a bit crushed anyway. Hohum. Well, I for one, intend to get neither crushed nor captured.

Reaching into the breast pocket of his suit, he pulls out a small, cubic box, with a button on it. He pushes the button, and speaks with the minimum amount of expelled breath.

[Giguschild] Dropship, get here, now.

[Box] Brpl...Copy.

[Giguschild] Is the particle projector online?

[Box] Grrrk-ffirmativv-vvskrk.

[Giguschild] Load a full Hydrogen particle.

[Box] Loading. T minus thirty seconds.

#There is a long pause, during which the gas slowly starts to envelop people.#

[Box] Loaded, target loaded, arrival imminent.

[Giguschild] Fire.

There is a faint


and a narrow tunnel (about two feet wide) is blown through one wall and out through the other, next to Giguschild. In a flash, the Xenomorph crawls down it as air rushes past him and out of the room. He clings to the jagged broken exterior wher the room was detached from the rest of the mountain as the dropship approaches, cargo-door open.

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 384

The Krylma Leader

How can you crawl to something that's already been left behind? And how can you crawl away when your legs have already been enveloped? How do you justify this device according to the rules of continuity? How do you...never mind, just ignore the hints for beating the monster, this is probably all falling on deaf ears anyway...grumble,mumble,mumble...

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 385

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

What /were/ the hints? Or would that give it away?

And GC, what does "cat" have to do with anything??

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 386

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea, with her last bit of strength, forcibly takes NYC's mask to replace hers. after a moment her color returns*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 387

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*wakes up. Screams. Calms Down.*

Once again. whatever i say you just ignore

[OOC] yes? what were the clues?

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 388

The Krylma Leader

*Decides to take UH's advice and ignore the question (sorry, couldn't resist smiley - smiley)*

Just as a side note, it's an extremely obscure clue, but someone else admitted that they would dislike this very thing happening to them. A STUMPED member, although that doesn't really narrow it down much. Anyway, before we continue, could we please state just *where* Giguschild is? Is he somehow, in an avoidance of the facts that I might not have made clear enough, clinging to the face of Mt. Krylma? Or is he still inside the operation/cargo room? But just to hurry things along, I'll put a response to either.

*Several of the mounted weapons of Krylma Mountain unfold, and begin firing at Giguschild and his ship. To make matters worse, thanks to the fact that the operation room ship is past the legal bounderies of Krylma Mountain, the force field turns on preventing any possible escape from Krylma Mountain. Inside the control room of the Mountain, Minos Krylma chuckles. He has little intent of actually killing the superheroes, he just enjoys toying with them when he isn't seriously working on something. Giguschild can't know this, however, so is suffering whatever his usual emotional response to huge weapons firing at him and his ship would be.

*The Green Ghost has completely enveloped the superheroes, and is beginning to harden. The Krylma Leader's face reappears on the monitor, and he speaks to the monster in a gutteral tounge. The obedient currently-ultra-hard monster obediently holds the two hereoes prisoner, knowing that they should have enough oxygen for the remainder of the trip.

The operation spaceship is now outside of h2g2's atmosphere*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 389

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC gags, clutching his throat. he takes evillene's mask, and evillene puts on sea's that she previously stole. All three seem calmer*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 390

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[Lord Byancbaldich starts singing in an unearthly voice. Once a tune has been worked out, the accompaniment will be played on a very echoy synthesizer while Ancba himself sings exactly a flattened fifth out of tune. It will sound more ghastly than you can possibly imagine.]

I talk to the trees,
But they don't listen to me.
A spectrographic analysis of my voice is compared to countless voice patterns in mem-o-ree.
On parity, they listen to me!

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 391

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] ahem... no comment.

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 392

The Krylma Leader

You really don't need those gas masks anymore. The Green Ghost has solidified around the heroes and is no longer floating around making breathing seem difficult. And Lord B, don't do that anymore, if you understand why.

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 393

The Krylma Leader

You really don't need those gas masks anymore. The Green Ghost has solidified around the heroes and is no longer floating around making breathing seem difficult. And Lord B, don't do that anymore, if you understand why.

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 394


but i like the mask smiley - clown

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 395

The Krylma Leader

Fine, fine, wear the mask.

*The monitor turns back on*

Alright, Happy Dude? Kudos? Yes, it seems that I need three people to appease the needs of Mortimer McMire. Giguschild and Uncle Heavy are only two. So, please forgive me if this is painful in any way. But you'll understand, Kudos, that you're my next choice to hand over to The Grand Intellect, what with your attempted hostile take over of STUMPED, your attempted ruination of my plan's in Hangar Infinity, transforming my other minions to binary instead of going through the initiation, etc. Believe me, if there was a superhero around, he'd go first, but since there isn't, you're my only choice left. And now, just to prevent any continuity confusion,...

*Two suction cup-like things zip from the ceiling, and attach themselves to Happy Dude (who is in Kudos' body) and Kudos (who is in Happy's body). After a few moments of pyro technics, the switch has once again been completed, and thanks to a few extra jolts of electricity in Kudos', the mad alien slumps tot he ground, unconcious. The Green Ghost extends itself to envelope Kudos as well*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 396


Time Out:

Q: This mean I'm back in my own body ?


Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 397

The Krylma Leader

Yes. You are once again immune to pain. Much as I dislike to bring this upon myself, you're back to normal. smiley - smiley

*The ship is pretty far from h2g2 by now, and, according to the monitor which no longer shows KL, is nearing a large asteroid field*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 398


[I'm going to apolagize or this now - sorry]

smiley - clown Wey Hey ! smiley - clown

[once again sorry, but it had to be done]

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 399

The Krylma Leader

Understood...grumble,mumble,grumble...;-) *Minos tires of the pointless toying with his opponent, and zaps him with a neuralizer, effectively nocking him out. Before the drop ship can get close enough to pick up Giguschild, several security droids clamber out of the mountain, pick up the Xenomorph, and head inside.* *Minos' voice can be heard speaking some gutteral language again, thanks to the audio systems in the room, and the Green Ghost moves his prey to a small section of the room which becomes sealed off. A few moments later, that section of the room is jettisoned towards one of the asteroids, along with Kudos, Uncle Heavy, and Giguschild. *Regardless of the situation, all of the superheroes, along with Kudos, have now been transported to for a long overdue overly complex explanation of plans*

Skill of the amazing cat!!

Post 400

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*muttering. not noticing that he is envelpoed*
...honestly, some people. they're so impolite...just don't see give them your return...cold shoulder...why...bother...
*the muttering becomes inaudible again*

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