This is the Message Centre for The Krylma Leader

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 361

soeasilyamused, or sea

*evillene glares at NYC*

*sea feels bad for him and gives him a kiss on the cheek*

*NYC looks disappointed*

[sea] don't push your luck.

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 362



Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 363

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[Ancba, in his confusion, shoots NYC with a Pleasure Ray and HD with a Nasty Burn Shooter. He then gets it right and the two effects cancel each other out.]

I know, I know, Ancba isn't SUPPOSED to do anything silly, but, you know, this is the H2G2...

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 364


I still say yuk !

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 365

The Krylma Leader

*All exits seal. The room begins rumbling and shaking violently. After a few tense moments of this, a monitor comes on showing a view of Krylma Mountain getting further and further away. The image on the monitor fades away, and is replaced by a very exasperated looking Minos Krylma*

I vanish for four weeks. "What can happen in four weeks," I said. "Don't think any continuity errors or breaking of the superhero/supervillain rules too big for everyone else to handle can arise in that amount of time," I said. But then, it happened. Giguschild, learn continuity, please. Don't go around installing sound and light equipment in a base that isn't yours, don't break into a villains hideout when the villains are doing nothing wrong and start attempting to quelch your bloodlust by attacking them, and please don't *ever* take control of another villain's actions again. This whole thing can get quite tedious, you know.

But aside from that, I'm fairly pleased. That one continuity error was the only one, and it was so long ago people probably don't remember it. Plus, it gives me an opportunity to settle a deal with a friend of mine. Another supervillain named The Grand Intellect, he was a pretty big shot crazed genius during the early nineties. A bit self-absorbed, but I can overlook that in a villain of such style.

Anyway, he's looking into expanding his buisiness into h2g2, so I've decided to help him with it, as long as I can get a small percentage of what his gains are. In return, he promises not to attempt in any way to destroy the villains of h2g2. But first, he needs some test subjects. I had intended to use Happydude and Kudos at first (my apologies, Happy, but you are one of the most difficult to torture entities on h2g2, so I thought you would make the best subject to see if his new equipment was effective), but now that I've got a few superheroes here,...well, it becomes that much simpler.

As for everyone else, sorry that you have to be inside the chamber during the transaction, but I couldn't have gotten all of you out and kept the heroes in. Just stay here, and be on the lookout for a small MegaRocket, and an eight year old kid carrying a ray gun and pogo stick, as well as wearing a football helmet. He's the only non-CHOPPERS based enemy that we have to fear. And now, because I can't very well have all of you killing yourselves by damaging the chamber much more,...

*The monitor blinks out, and a glowing gas begins to seep into the room...*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 366

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[OOC] Does the gas fall like smoke or rise like helium?

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 367

The Krylma Leader

*The gas does both, and is glowing a sickly green. It seems to move about as if preprogrammed to have some sinister purpose*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 368

The Krylma Leader

*The gas does both, and is glowing a sickly green. It seems to move about as if preprogrammed to have some sinister purpose*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 369

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[OOC] Small MegaRocket? eight year old kid? ray gun? pogo-stick? football helmet?! I know that guy... Commander Keen! I have just about every game starring that character from Apogee for the PC! [/OOC]

*NYC puts on his gas mask. he hands two more masks to sea and evillene*

does this mean we have to stop fighting?

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 370

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[OOC] Small MegaRocket? eight year old kid? ray gun? pogo-stick? football helmet?! I know that guy... Commander Keen! I have just about every game starring that character from Apogee for the PC! [/OOC]

*NYC puts on his gas mask. he hands two more masks to sea and evillene*

does this mean we have to stop fighting?

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 371


Fortantly Happy is still wearing his Bio-warfare suit so he's ok smiley - clown

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 372

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

[Giguchild quickly takes a deep breath of clean air, and then crouches down and stops moving, and breathing.]

[Comment]I'm not going to read through four weeks of backlog smiley - smiley. I'm allowed to talk for UH to a certain extent; if I did it to anyone else then, well, sorry. And sorry about the speaker system, if you were miffed by it.[/comment]

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 373

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*UH has been motionless throughout this exchange. Suddenly, he awakes.*

I want a kiss. No one ever kisses me.

*He collapses once again*

*he wakes up and looks at KL*

Hello old bean. What was it you said about not attacking CHOPPERS? And give poor old Gigus a break. It was a mistake. He is lovely really. Trust me on this.

*With a groan, he falls once more to the floor*

*He wakes with a start and adds*

NYC. I don't do singing. That was just poetry. The poetry of War. Which reminds me. I just saw Ghost dog the way of the samurai. A classic film if ever I saw one. watch it.

*this time, he collapses mid sentence.*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 374

The Krylma Leader

Just one more point: I was only there on the monitor. Don't remember if I turned the monitor on or off, so I'll stop harrassing you about Continuity, seeing as I don't know what I mean right now.

*The monitor switches to show a file of a biological entity, including a picture of a greenish mist*

Phaseus Gaseus
Common Names: Swamp Monster (southern region of Galtran VI), Boogeyman (rough translation from eastern continent of Galtran VI), and, most recently, Green Ghost.
Known Data: The Green Ghost of Galtran VI is an odd creature, made of several loosely attached particles. It can tell its surroundings through a hyper-enhanced version of sonar. It is actually a much larger and much denser creature, but the large and dense part (along with its fairly intelligent brain) actually resides in another dimension, making these impervious to all conventional forms of battle, and many unconventional ones. It attacks by causing itself to coalesce and solidify around its enemies. It then proceeds to shrink and solidify further, thus crushing their prey. When the prey is sufficiently dead, they are teleported somewhere else, where it is assumed they are eaten, although this fact has never been verified.

It is said that these creatures can become pets if met under the proper circumstances, and are capable of understanding most languages. Their loyalty upon becoming a pet is unbreakable, providing that its owner does not turn on it.

*UH and Giguschild can't totally appreciate this, however, because the Green Ghost has started to envelope them*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 375

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC shudders upon thinking of UH's singing*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 376

The Krylma Leader

*The Green Ghost has totally enveloped the heroes legs, and is still moving*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 377



Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 378

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[Ancba uses a Krath'Da technique to induce a deathlike state. Flopsy simply faints]

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 379


Happy staps a spare gas mask to Flopsy.

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 380

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[From a speaker on Yo's person] This can't be good for them......

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