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Hello KL!

Post 581

The Krylma Leader

Yo, "Will the real slim shady please shut up", and "Livin' La Vida Yoda" are not songs by Weird Al. He's given credit for them on pretty much every single Internet sight that has music there is, but he's not the one responsible for them. Just go check out his website and look at his song list. He even denies those songs in one of his "Ask Al" questions of a few years ago.

Hello KL!

Post 582

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

really? I'm sorry then, I had no idea, I just Downloaded them from napster and they said weird al on them so I took it's word for it.... hmmmmmmmmmmm wonder who actually made these great peices of work.......

Hello KL!

Post 583

Uncle Heavy [sic]

OK, NYC, I'll rant. And out cynicism you. Where. when. how?

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