Journal Entries

It's my ferschlugger birthday...

Today I reach the ripe old age of thirty-three. It's when a hobbit comes of age, so I'm now officially an adult by hobbit standards.

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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2004

Bad Dreams

I've been having some really peculiar dreams lately.

Night before last, I had a dream that my lungs were infested with bugs. I coughed and spat bits of lung and squirmy bugs into the sink - that's when I woke up. Last night, I had a continuation of the dream from the night before (which never happens.) I dreamt that I was holding somebody hostage (threatening to infect them with my nasty lung bugs,) and a person in a biohazard suit came after me. They grabbed my arm, and I exploded in a cloud of bugs. I don't usually have dreams this awful or creepy... I don't know whether I'm reading the wrong books, or watching the wrong television shows - or maybe just not doing the right drugs... smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2003





Okay... no, wait, here's another one... Ack!

I now own my own home. When siding people call me up on the phone and ask, I'll have to answer 'yes' to that question. On the other hand... (I have five fingers) I get to paint the walls, refinish the floors, put carpet and vinyl in, and frolic in my very own back yard. Which the landlord frowns upon. So it's all good. Except for the worry of 'signing my life away!'

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2003

Buying a house...

Yes, that's right. The duplex is rapidly shrinking.

It's a little scary, but fortunately Fort Worth seems to be a buyer's market, and interest rates are low, low, low... (Alan Greenspan as The Unseen Hand!) Heck, it's more than a little scary. Buying a new(er) car was a little scary. This is a lot scary. Throwing a wad of money for a place means that the small details become much more important - like central heat and air, wood floors versus vinyl, the neighborhood and what it'll do in the next twenty years... and what do we do if it needs repairs? Phew.

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2003

Pop-up Ads - the bloodsuckers of the Internet

I have really begun to hate pop-ups. At first, they only appeared on sites that 'nice' people really didn't visit - you know, the naughty porn sites! Then one day I visited a Simpsons fan club site, and ran into the deadly 'pop-up' loop - every time I clicked away a popup, another appeared. In fact, about seventeen appeared, stacked up at the bottom of my screen. I had to shut down my computer to get out of the loop - I was furious!

Just now, I checked my e-mail (free on-line) and found the most insidious pop-up yet - no 'close' button! It was some sort of advert for Men's Magazine (they really need to check their demographics more closely!) I could not make this thing go away. Instead of being able to bring my Netscape window to the front and ignore the popup, it stayed at the front, keeping me from clicking on the 'read new mail' button. Worst yet, when I went to the Netscape email (my work address, and not for fun things like this) the same dang ad was sitting in my e-mail read window. Grrrrrrrrr! I don't know what insidious java script enabled them to do that, but I was extremely displeased.

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2001

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Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

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