And now the news.....

....there isn't any it's all happened before and we're just going round in circles and figure eights, welcome! I'm stubborn, friendly and getting on in years but still manage to be down with the kids as they have no choice in the matter (I run a small venue, nothing sinister to be seen here). Pastimes? Music and err music. Oh and watching high grade crap, reading high to middle grade crap, crosswords, countryside, walks on the beach in the moonlight you know the sort of thing. Sarky but usually not malicious but for the humour, strong views, a little bit liberal a little bit totalitarian, humans were not meant to rule this world. I think that's about it for now, oh and I am Robyn Hoode's partner in life/crime, ta!


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devotoid - old and grizzled before my time.....

Researcher U13844884


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