Journal Entries

1 March 2011

Yesterday I went swimming at the local leisure centre with a friend and then did T'ai Chi staff in the evening. It was an intense learning session and I was tired afterward.

This morning I met some friends for coffee and started the first day of a spiritual writing course. Did some keyboard practice in the afternoon.

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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2011

27 February 2011

On Friday, it was wet and misty and apart from going out to do some shopping I stayed home all day. Did some keyboard practice.

Yesterday I went to a choir rehearsal in the morning and then for a beautiful walk in the afternoon as the weather had cleared up and it was bright and sunny if also a bit cold and windy. Argyle won 2-1 against Colchester but otherwise things are not going so well for them.

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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2011

25 February 2011

It's been mainly misty and wet for most of the last couple of days. I went swimming in the nearest town yesterday and then walked to the local shops in the afternoon. Did some flute practice.

Today, I did the shopping after walking to the top. It was wet but oddly refreshing as the weather is quite humid. Took a book out from the library. Am attempting to come to terms with new technology with my new mobile but it is still a large change from my old one and it's taking quite a while to learn how to use it. I just figure out one thing and then find something has changed and I'm looking in the user guide again! Hopefully I'm getting there slowly!

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Latest reply: Feb 25, 2011

23 February 2011

Yesterday it was too wet to go for a walk so I met my friends for coffee and a chat. Later I did some keyboard practice.

This morning I met another friend and we had a great time chatting and exchanging news. This evening I'm due to go to a choral rehearsal.

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Latest reply: Feb 23, 2011

21 February 2011

Yesterday I walked up to the shops and took a few photos on the way of flowers that were beginning to come out. Did some flute practice in the evening.

This afternoon I attended a Creative Writing Group where we had a good session with lots of interesting work being completed.

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Latest reply: Feb 21, 2011

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