Journal Entries

11 March 2011

Went shopping yesterday and spent most of the remainder of the day on the computer.Weather still quite cold and grey which hasn't tempted me out for a walk recently.

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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2011

9 March 2011

Yesterday the wind wasn't so strong and the sun was beautifully warm. Went for a walk with some friends before chatting over coffee. Did T'ai Chi in the evening and some keyboard practice.

This morning I drove to town to do some shopping and then did some flute practice.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2011

7 March 2011

Yesterday was grey with a cold wind so I didn't go for a walk but caught up with things at home.

This morning I swam with a friend at a local leisure centre. Warm sunshine but still the cold wind.

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2011

5 March 2011

Yesterday I walked to the shops in the morning and did some keyboard practice in the afternoon.

This morning I drove to a choir rehearsal. Argyle won away - Yeah!

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2011

3 March 2011

Yesterday I went to a piano lesson in the morning and then did some shopping. In the evening I went to a rehearsal with Claire Inglehart which was pretty awesome.

Today was so beautiful that I went for a walk along the coast. Beautiful sunshine even though the wind was quite cold! Did some flute practice later.

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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2011

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