Journal Entries

11 June 2011

It's been a busy week with plenty of flute and keyboard practice needed as well as quite a bit of traveling.

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2011

6 June 2011

Did some flute and keyboard practice yesterday and then went to a rehearsal for the town band. It was all great fun.

This evening I went to my usual Monday T'ai Chi Staff class.

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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2011

4 June 2011

Yesterday it was surprisingly hot and I went for a walk and took photos. The Six Spot Burnets were out in force on the cliffs and I enjoyed watching them.

This morning I did some shopping and caught up with some gardening. Did some flute practice in the afternoon.

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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2011

2 June 2011

Yesterday I sang with one of the two choirs in which I participate at a concert. It went really well and we had an appreciative audience.

This morning, a friend and I went swimming together and later I did some flute practice.

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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2011

30 May 2011

Thick fog surrounded us for most of yesterday. This morning was better but the wind is still very cold. Spent most of the time on the computer.

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Latest reply: May 30, 2011

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Mystic Musician

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