Journal Entries

28 May 2011

Another busy week with choral rehearsals and a piano lesson. Weather has been gloomy for most of the week and there has been a cold wind which has put me off from walking apart from local shopping trips.

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Latest reply: May 28, 2011

23 May 2011

Felt slightly tired after the concert on St Micheal's Mount yesterday afternoon. Not so much the singing but the battling against the strong wind to get about, so had a fairly quiet day today.

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Latest reply: May 23, 2011

21 May 2011

Yesterday I had my hair done and then met with a friend for lunch. Weather was confusing, cloudy and cold one minute and warm sunshine the next.

This morning I did some shopping and then came home to do both flute and keyboard practice. The weather's colder today and I've had to put on a fleece.

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19 May 2011

What a busy week it's been.

On Monday there was Creative Writing Group and a visit to the vet for the cat's MOT and annual injections. He left mementos of his journey in both directions! Then Tai Chi staff in the evening.

On Tuesday we went for a beautiful walk and Tai Chi Long Form in the evening.

Yesterday was a little quieter with shopping in the morning and choral rehearsal in the evening.

Today I went swimming with a friend before returning home and catching up a bit with the chores.

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14 May 2011

Yesterday was a fairly quiet day - I went shopping, did some flute practice and tried to post my blog but Blogger was down.

Today I went to a brilliant choral workshop with Dessislava Stefanova, Director of the London Bulgarian Choir. Wonderful experience.

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Latest reply: May 14, 2011

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