Journal Entries
22 March 2011
Posted Mar 22, 2011
Yesterday I went to a Creative Writing Group and then had tea and chatted to some friends later. It was mostly foggy during the day.
The fog burned off early this morning so I had the opportunity of going for a short walk.
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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2011
20 March 2011
Posted Mar 20, 2011
Yesterday I went to a choral rehearsal in the morning. We're rehearsing for a concert with a French choir who will be visiting in April. The concert will be on 27 April in Porthleven Church.
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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2011
18 March 2011
Posted Mar 18, 2011
Had my hair done yesterday. After a warm dry morning we had heavy showers in the afternoon and evening.
Still quite showery initially but has cleared up to a beautiful afternoon. Did some flute and choral practice.
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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2011
16 March 2011
Posted Mar 16, 2011
Yesterday I went for a long walk with friends. From being grey and misty at the start of the walk, it changed into a beautiful day of warm sunshine, and I remembered what it felt like to be hot for the first time in ages. Sat on a bank and overlooked the sea. Beautiful. Came home and in the evening did some keyboard practice.
This morning I had a piano lesson and then drove into town to do some shopping. Nearly ran over a cock pheasant which had started to cross the road but then it rethought the situation, thankfully. Another sunny and mostly warm day.
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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2011
14 March 2011
Posted Mar 14, 2011
Yesterday, because it was a wonderful warm and sunny day I drove to the moors for a walk and then down to the cliffs. Took lots of photos. Visited a local art gallery on my way home.
This morning I went swimming with a friend, lost my mobile but then a kind person handed it in at the Leisure Centre where I could reclaim it.
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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2011
Mystic Musician
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