Hi there. Some call me MrEntropy or, for short, MrE. I am currently a computer technician working out of Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey USA. Soon, however, I hope to become a fledgling writer working my way up to full-fledged alcoholic author who lives on a beach. I hope to write stories dealing with future technology and how badly it affects the human race. I will call this new genre "science-friction."
But until then, I'll continue to keep abreast of the newest in technology and computers and write a few entries for h2g2, which I think is an excellent idea. The site h2g2, that is. I'm not sure about my entries.
I'll also mention that I love new and different things. Like operating systems. I currently run Windows 98, Windows 2000 Pro, and, my all time current favorite: BeOS. Running BeOS most of the time means not being able to see or use interesting Java enabled web sites, but it's a decent trade-off for being able to boot into a fully functioning OS in 17 seconds.

Someday soon I hope to get a running Linux server. I have no idea of what I'll use it for since my phone company seems determined not to let me have high-speed internet access and my cable company is run by half-wits, but it'd be cool to have and use in any case.
As far as books go, I read a lot of science-fiction and fantasy. Current favorites being Terry Pratchett, Michael Moorcock, James P Blaylock and, of course, Douglas Adams.
Thanks for the and reading -
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Euphonisms for masturbation, anyone? | Jun 18, 2000 | Aug 8, 2006 |
Something for the weekend | Jul 24, 2000 | Jan 2, 2001 |
Comparative Vice | Aug 31, 2000 | Oct 15, 2000 |
2012 | Sep 15, 2000 | Sep 29, 2000 |
Death's daughter | Jun 18, 2000 | Aug 11, 2000 |
Researcher U136515
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."