This is the Message Centre for Phlook
Welcome phlook
Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail Started conversation Feb 24, 2005
Welcome glad to see you’re here *waves*
Hi I’m cal, I’m your friendly neighbourhood ACE. (An ACE is someone who welcomes newcomers to H2G2) I have brought you some to eat while you’re browsing.
Here is a useful links page A719840 It will tell you about some of the useful and entertaining places on H2G2
Keepers page A441596 I am the keeper of all things Tuc
And here are some fun places where you can be just plain silly A2334007, A2920015, A579684, A3217664,
You can drop me a line just by hitting the reply button , feel free to drop by say hello
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Welcome phlook
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