Fear not what you can't understand, only what you can't explain
Nothing exciting really..
**Warning: May be entirely illogical, run on abstract tangents, and forget to link ideas. Side effects include insanity, jaundice and spiritual deprimation. Please consult your doctor before proceeding**The Researcher
- Hi! Most people know me as Stephen Young, or many other forms of the name. I prefer just Stephen though
- I write recreationally, often short (and highly obscure) essays, which accomplish nothing
- I am an avid reader, and philosophy enthusiast
- I love talking to people, but tend to blend into the background on sites such as this, making very few acquaintances
- I was born in 1989, a citizen of Canada (no need to update my age, you can just do the math yourself)
- I hope to train as a computer programmer after graduation
- I love learning new things
Frequented Websites
Web Logs- Spitting Llamas General musings and rantings
- Coming Anarchy Views of the world from the eyes of several
- Operation Eden Firsthand views from hurricane Katrina
- Renaissance Man
- H2G2 I should hope i have no need to link to it
- Writers Network Small site for reviewing/submitting poetry, short stories and newscolumns
- Jennifer Government NationStates Create and govern a textual nation
- Flashkit Resource for flash programmers
- Corporate Oppression Tales of the unforgiving corporate machine
Web Comics
- Questionable Content Indie rock makes for [often offbeat] excellent humor
- I Drew This Critiques of American politics
- White Ninja A dose of insanity, served thrice a week
- Able and Baker Really, how can a monkey and a sheep NOT be funny
- Ozzy and Millie Tasteful humor from the author of I Drew This
Still working on this intro page, check back!
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
You're Booked, Phlook... | Jan 7, 2007 |
UG Gem Polisher Calling ... | Aug 26, 2006 |
Dropping by... | Dec 14, 2005 |
Welcome phlook | Feb 24, 2005 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
You're Booked, Phlook... | No Posting | Jan 7, 2007 |
UG Gem Polisher Calling ... | Aug 26, 2006 | No Replies |
A11573994 - Embracing Limbo | Jun 25, 2006 | Jul 1, 2006 |
Peer Review: A7407687 - The Baconian Cipher | Mar 4, 2006 | Mar 15, 2006 |
What songs make you cry like a baby? | No Posting | Jan 11, 2006 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."