I had a picture to put here but it appears I can't paste it. It was of a cow being abducted by a UFO. Oh well.
I'm from Australia. I'm a guy who's interested in travel and the differences between places and people around the world.
I work in an industry with a large amount of immigrants and the differences in customs and language are very amusing at times.
I am a firm believer in individual freedom and truth. I dislike extreme greenies, although I respect their right to freedom of speech, I just wish they would allow those with the truth about climate change the same right. Have a look at this site about the global warming hoax -" > or this one (CO2 is not pollution)-" > for some alternative views.
I am an Anti-globalist, and believe that globalisation takes jobs from wealthy countries, exploits workers in poor countries and contaminates the environment -" >
I hate political correctness. It destroys freedom of speech and is plain silly. Have a look at why -" >
Now that you've read all the deep and meaningfull details, here's a joke, What's brown and walks up stairs backwards? - A corgi with a hard on.
email me, (if you must) [email protected]
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Dude in other languages | Jun 3, 2000 | Jan 28, 2011 |
British cheese rolling | Jun 16, 2000 | Sep 10, 2008 |
The Mormon Sin | Jun 11, 2000 | Mar 7, 2005 |
Riff Raff | Jun 2, 2000 | Sep 11, 2004 |
More on drinking in Oz | Jun 1, 2000 | May 10, 2004 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."