Greenies - liars, hypocrites or just ignorant?

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Greenies, environazis whatever you call them, are predominantely residents of rich, first world countries. It is hard to find a tree-hugger in a country where their only fuel is wood.

Most greenies are politically active - they live in a country with running water (from dams), and labour saving devices such as washing machines (built from mined metals) and computers (powered by coal or uranium) so they have time to object to third world countries building dams, mines and power stations. They are able to drive or cycle to their meetings in vehicles built from metals, glass and plastic - all mined or pumped from the ground, and powered by fossil fuels.

They believe it is better for the environment if Indian women continue to cook their food over open fires fuelled by cow faeces rather than build dams that would provide power and clean water to millions. They continue to push the global warming hoax by altering scientific evidence (IPCC) and ignore the fact that (apart from test sites on the edge of cities that have slowly been surrounded by asphalt and buildings) no test site or method has shown an average rise in temperature for the last 100 years. Greens have even blamed record cold snaps on global warming! They ignore the fact that CO2 is plant food, and allows plants to live in more arid zones as CO2 levels rise.

Greenies say that the ozone hole over Antarctica is man made, although most pollution is generated in the northern hemisphere. They ignore the fact that UV rays actually PRODUCE OZONE as they are absorbed.

Greenies admire the natural Earth. They believe the plants and animals have a right to live and to kill for survival, yet they seek to deny this right to humans. They somehow think humans, and their technology, don't belong. They think we are outside the natural Earth, and are it's enemy. They ignore the fact that humans originated here on Earth. We belong here. Our cultures and technology evolved here. Everything we do is a part of life on Earth. We have just as much right to live with our basic instincts as a lion hunting zebra does.

Greenies who are logic challenged or ignorant of science may think their cause is a noble one. The people who worry me are those who know the lies are lies, but perpetuate them for whatever reason, and stifle debate on the subject.

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