A Conversation for Greenies - liars, hypocrites or just ignorant?

Mean Green

Post 1

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

I just had a couple of responses for you. If the first world nations do not take the lead in advocating conservation, who will? I live in the U.S. where we consume more energy and raw materials per capita than anywhere else on Earth. If these third world feces burners ever catch up with us, we'll be a dirty place indeed. I'd love for you to come visit me in Los Angeles so we can get a view together of just how polluted the air is in every direction from Griffith Park (where our local observatory is). Or I could take you for a swim in Santa Monica Bay; afterward we could take you to the ER due to the toxicity of the water (I hear people used to surf there). Or maybe we could run over to the San Fernando Valley, where a local superfund site is nestled in Box Canyon, or to the Landfill in Sun Valley where we can take a geiger counter and see if we can find where Rocketdyne dumped radioactive materials in with the residential trash. A lack of awareness and facts will lead you to superficial arguments about global warming or holes in ozone. I recommend you look in your own neighborhood to see the evidence of damage and our potential for making the planet hazardous to our own survival, nevermind all the stupid/irrelevant wildlife. If you can't see it, come to L.A. and take a tour of our river.

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