This is the Message Centre for Kaleb
Hi Kaleb!
Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan Started conversation Jun 2, 2000
Greetings, fellow researcher! My name is Big 'Evil' Dan, and I am an H2G2 Guardian Angel. If you need any help around here, don't be afraid to ask me, or any of the other Saints. (To get in touch, you can visit, visit my page by clicking on my name above, or just hitting reply).
I'd like to see your picture, and perhaps I can help you get it up. First, the picture must be online somewhere. It can't be on your computer. Then, just put (obviously replacing that URL with the location of the picture). This only works with HTML and GuideML. If you wrote your page in plain text, you get no pictures except for the occasional or a babel fish
If you need more help, you can always check these links.
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