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Smoke detectors ....aaaargh

Post 9781

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Some more rhymes for zombie:

I know a quite elegant zombie.
I asked, "Would your favorite psalm be
Included on this CD-ROM?" He
Replied, "Yes, if I would calm be,
Or show me where might the bomb be."


Post 9782


heheh. Fizzy Derren.

The Zombie (rhyme) lives on...

Post 9783


heheh. Some subtle rhymes here from Mister Paul. smiley - applause


(CD)-ROM. He (see? see? I even noticed this subtle rhyme.)

Bomb be

smiley - coffee Nice. Then there's the psalm be section .. an off beat rhyme, a suggestion, a hint of zombie only with a calm psalm to soothe us

Psalm be

Calm be

Hey Jo Nov 11

Post 9784


Hey Jo

Christmas, for me, has always been a Festival of Light.

smiley - holly

As a kid I was enchanted by Christmas tree lights, and forever awed by magical reflections.

smiley - candle

This year times are hard. The lights in town are saviours, their sparkle piercing the gloom with rays of hope.

smiley - candle

Yesterday,as I cycled homeward, I noticed that even the scrubby bushes beside the track were strung with lights!

The unexpected sight filled me with delight.

smiley - eureka

To add to my joy, heavy rain had given way to warm sunlight.

I gazed in rapture at the twinkling jewels on the branches.

smiley - holly

The lenses on my dark glasses add a filmic hue to reality.

Of course, to the naked eye, my jewels were sunlit raindrops!

Raindrop lights are no less miraculous though. I'd say they have an advantage over Christmas lights. They can illuminate any season!

smiley - eureka end **********

//sunlit raindrop mix//true sparkle story///

The Zombie (rhyme) lives on...

Post 9785


We need to cherish little lights smiley - candle
like sunshine bright on raindrops,
coloured lights in Christmas shops,
collect those moments of delight. smiley - candle

The Zombie (rhyme) lives on...

Post 9786

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I know how to handle
A holiday candle
That glows in the dark
And warms with its spark.

Cherish little lights ..

Post 9787


Lovely mvp! smiley - applause

Cherish little lights .. I love these three words together .. Cherish little lights ..

smiley - eureka


Post 9788


Warmth! Of course, paul! Light is warmth. Warms with its spark. I like it.

I guess light can visit any of the six available senses ..

Sight, hear, smell, taste, touch, extrasensory

I heard light, I know I heard light, that night ...

smiley - huh

Must think about this ...


Post 9789

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Oh, I met a great skiing zombie
Who asked where'd the nearest slalom be.

I once met a poor orphaned zombie,
Who didn't know where would his mom be.

I once met an imprisoned zombie
Who wondered when would his freedom be.

An elegant, pool-playing zombie
Would show you where would his carom be.

You never know where is the zombie?
In fullview, or maybe random be?


Post 9790

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I know a degenerate Zombie.
I'm certain where would his Sodom be.

In Hanoi, a poor old lost zombie
Did not know where might his Vietnam be.

A calico cat and a zombie
Were wondering where might her tom be.

I once knew a Navajo zombie
Who asked me where might his wigwam be.

And zombie rhymes with zombie.

Hey Jo Nov 12

Post 9791


Hey Jo

In the room with the pale yellow curtains, I wrote three alternative endings to a song with no known beginning.

smiley - musicalnote

Realising this to be futile, I then rejected all endings.

smiley - eureka

I opened the pale yellow curtains to let in the pale yellow sunlight.

Of course I only wrote this sentence so that I could reject it also.

smiley - musicalnote

Wondering if sunlight had any colour at all, led me to think about my friend John, who died a few years ago.

We shared a house, and we'd listen to the ISB (The Incredible String Band) and ask deep cosmic questions into the night.

smiley - musicalnote

Ah! A bright light flashed in my brain. smiley - eureka

Be Glad For The Song Has No Ending!! An ISB album!

Thanks for reminding me John! Now I'm glad I rejected the pale yellow sunlight (although I'm keeping the pale yellow curtains, don't argue). It led me to think of you.

If you find out what colour the sunlight actually is, please let me know.


Pale Yellow Curtains Mix///Awww J I miss you///What colour is the sunlight??///To the ISB, I think I love you

The Zombie (rhyme) is (still) alive!

Post 9792


Paul! You are a prolific zombie poet. Well, not a zombie poet, as such, more like a poet of the zombie...

Your postings came in while I was on about pale yellow curtains.

Have to go run up a hill now, till dusk. As one does. Unless one doesn't.

Will respond laters ....

The Zombie (rhyme) is (still) alive!

Post 9793


Evening paul..

Now, what's going on 'ere with these zombie rhymes ...

(Sla)lom be
Mom be
(Free)dom be
(Ca)rom be
(Ran)dom be

heheh. smiley - applause Very subtle rhymes indeed. What's carom? Is it a pool playing term?

And on into zombie rhymes!

Post 9794


(So)dom be
(Viet)nam be
Tom be
(Wig)wam be

smiley - rofl Nice.

Love the calico cat verse. I just saw this little kittie, smiley - cat and this zombie, chatting away kind of a rather sweet surreal picture.

And on into zombie rhymes!

Post 9795

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Speaking of cute pictures, could I please have some Stuff for 30 November? smiley - winkeye Anything you'd like to contribute. Just email it to postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com.

And on into zombie rhymes!

Post 9796

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

A fine geographical zombie
Knew how to get to Point A from B.

From B

Post 9797


heheh. Point A from B

From B

Post Contributions and the Inner Minnow

Post 9798


Ooooh eh, this is the Final Test, the Ultimate Test, the Great Undoing, the ...

yes yes yes... we gettit we gettit ...

I purposely did this unoffical journal NaJo thing, using words instead of photos, eeek, to a backdrop of amazing writers on this site doing amazing writings, just to check how my 'I'm a mere minnow in an ocean of brilliant big lovely shiny fish' thing is coming along. smiley - roflsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

Cute pictures! smiley - rofl Hey, I'm having a great time making word pictures. As the month goes on, I'm feeling reeeeely happy. The other day I wondered if I could send some to the Post, but .... (see above for the Minnow in the Mirror)

Can I make three paragraph paintings into A numbers... and offer from there? I wonder, might try later.

I have no photo designs to go with them, that will need beyond November, for the time. Going to do more word pictures with photo designs in other months. Am so am so am so am so ..

Exit pursued by a minnow. Hey! it says, minnows are shiny also, they have their own minnowness.... smiley - fishsmiley - runsmiley - fishsmiley - run

Hey Jo Nov 13

Post 9799


Hey Jo

smiley - antsmiley - ant

Ants do what ants have to do, despite what humans do.

Or do they?

What a question! I thought, as I watched an ant scuttle over my notebook.

smiley - ant

Insights From A Park Bench (The Cheese Sandwich Sessions)

smiley - ant

Ant encounters a galaxy of green crayon spirals!

Ant has a Renaissance moment on a page of random numbers.

Ant changes direction in mid-scuttle. Excited Ant has news for the colony.

Oh. Ant has found the cheese sandwich crumbs.


Park Bench Mix///Ant/// smiley - ant

Hey Jo Nov 13

Post 9800

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Word paintings are about what I can do.

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