Journal Entries

Flame Wars I have known

I'm thinking of putting together a tourist's guide to the many toasty warm 'discussions' there have been around h2g2. Partly as a service for the arbitration scheme and those discussing it's merits or demerits. Partly to see what other people besides myself, find themselves inexorably drawn to such places, and how they behave. Partly out of idle curiosity.

Decisions, decisions...

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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2001

Now you see it, now you don't

In the beginning Martin created the Alternative House Rules
And the Entry was without form, and void; and blueness was upon the face of the goo. And the Hands of Martin moved upon the face of the keyboard.
And Martin said, "Add Guide Entry", and the entry was added.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And Martin said, "Let the Entry bring forth footnotes, and let the footnotes bring forth links".
And other Researchers saw the Entry and saw that it was good, and congratulated Martin on his work, and told Him He had far too much time on his hands.
And the evening and the morning were the second day.

And on the third day Martin ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the third day from all his work which he had made; for he was well ahead of schedule.

Evening passed, and morning came, and that was the third day.


And the Entry suffered under Pontius Peta,
was yikesed, moderated, and hidden.
It descended into hell.
On the third day it rose again from invisibility,
and is linked to on the home space of Martin the Whinger
From thence it shall come to judge nobody, for it is not that kind of entry.


Evening passed, morning came, and that was the fourth, fifth and sixth days.

And Researchers came to him and said, "Martin, thou bumbling idiot, thou hast not explained 'sexually orientated' properly."
And Martin went to Magnolia Thunderpussy's page, and he saw that it was good,
And He made a few other tweaks here and there.

Evening passed, morning came, and that was the seventh day.

And on the seventh day, while Martin was earning his wage packet, His Entry was hidden again. And Martin wax wrath, because you really have to do that at least once if you parody the bible, saying "*sigh*" and "oh well".


Indeed do many things come to pass

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2001

Name Analysers Wanted!

I've given up on the whole name analysis thing, at long last. It was great for ages - lots of fun, a chance to speculate madly with no penalties - but lately it's felt a little bit like a chore, so on this - like so much - I'm out of energy.

If you're at all interested in semi-mystic mumbo-jumbo, and fancy a chance to get a name as a soothsayer, please do give it a job. If someone like me can do it, trust me - anyone can. Just tell yourself before you say anything: "If I know anything, I know THIS!". Treating customers with mildly insulting disdain is an optional extra... smiley - winkeye

C'mon - don't make me beg! smiley - grovel

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2001

My browser keeps crashing before I post this, and wiping the clipboard to boot! smiley - grr So this will be quick and to the point...

1) I do not deliberately aim to break the house rules, ever. I do make mistakes.
2) I am not 'anti-h2g2' or 'anti-BBC'. I do speak my mind.
3) I'm out of time and energy, so I'm going to bow out of a number of discussions related to all this.

Good, I hope that's short enough to satisfy the internet gods... smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2001

See you in a week

There has been an issue with rendering this post, please contact the editors.

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2001

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Martin Harper

Researcher U129960


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