This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 17, 2002
6 days to go.......
I've seen the Lacoste ad!
Almost dropped my cup of
tsk tsk naked male bottoms indeed, what's the coming to?
Are Lacoste doing a calendar for 2003?
6 days to go.....
~drool~ thread
Coniraya Posted Nov 17, 2002
I liked Mair's art, she is so clever. There is supposed to be ab artistic streak in my family, my aunt has sold quite a few of her paintings, but I think the talent has skipped a couple of generations!
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 17, 2002
I forgot to mention that on "Pop Stars - The Rivals" last night, the girls all went to the Westlife new album launch party in a stretch limo, and they met the band!
*wishes it had been her*
~drool~ thread
Gwennie Posted Nov 17, 2002
Thanks for the kind compliments re Mair's site. She knows about the broken links, which were deleted for no reason by Geocities is why she wants to move to a paid for site with a decent amount of bandwidth and hopefully will be far more reliable.
Mair created the whole site using HTML and not one of those wizard things too... I wonder where she gets her talent from as it definitely isn't me?
GB...Westlife? I can't say that I know any of their songs.
Are they any good - the songs that is?
By the way, the Solohost tech support chap who resembled Kenneth Branagh that I spoke with this afternoon sounded as good as he looked in his photograph...
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 18, 2002
Why does it say "preferences" instead of "reply" now?
I'm far too upset already to rise to fwt's bait.
I love Westlife.
They're currently number one with "Unbreakable" honey.
They're an Irish boy band and Shane Filan the lead singer has the voice of an
I really wish he'd go solo though.
*reason I'm upset*
I am subscribed to the Keepers page.
I got a request by "DNA" to be the "Keeper of Douglas Adams' corpse"
and that was the only page the individual had posted to.
I alerted the mods and it's been removed but it's still bothering me.
Oh and my married lover dumped me via email this morning, saving me a job.
~drool~ thread
friendlywithteeth Posted Nov 18, 2002
Mine still says reply...
Sorry Feeling guilty now!
That is really quite sick...probably someone's idea of a joke!
By email! He could have phoned you!
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 18, 2002
Don't be!
Honestly, it saved me a job.
I'm and looking forward to
a lovely
on Saturday!
What a tart!
I've been lurking and found out how you can also get a "list of people whose friend's list you are on" for your user page.
In edit page do this:
{obviously if your space is in Guide ML!}
~drool~ thread
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Nov 18, 2002
He could've told you to your face!
But guessing by your reaction, it's probably better that he didn't...
~drool~ thread
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Nov 18, 2002
~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 18, 2002
I see I've been preempted from telling you how to see who has you on their list
I was in two minds whether to do it or not...
GB and
Monday, yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy! Tyr... hope he growls!
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 18, 2002
Thanks werekitty, I'm alright, honest.
That idiot this morning logging on as DNA has been deleted thank goodness and hopefully won't return.
Hope you're enjoying Andromeda, Sho!
Plenty of Tyr I see, and plenty of Dylan snogging!
Farscape was excellent {those who haven't seen it tonight, look away now}
Who'd have thunk it, Crichton & Scorpi teaming up? And the incredible shrinking crew, wasn't that borrowed from the Star Trek DS9 episode when Jadzia Dax and the crew of the Defiant were shrunk?
Oh well.
I did enjoy Crichton's "Captain James T. D'Argo" jibe, even the old wrinkly appreciated the joke! {She's seen Star Trek TOS??}
Love all Crichton's jokes.
Love all Crichton.
p.s. By the way, it's JEllen42's birthday tomorrow {I've already been over & taken and a man-shaped
and also TC's birthday on the 21st.
5 days to London.......
~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 18, 2002
thanks for the heads up re. JEllen
poop, forgot Farscape (alone with the kids) and missed Andromeda due to a rather interesting translation I was proofing (about landfill sites) and a friend who I haven't spoken to in yonks called me for 2 1/2 hours!
~drool~ thread
Coniraya Posted Nov 18, 2002
I actually remembered to watch Farscape and didn't whether I was coming or going plotwise! But it didn't seem to matter too much
I'm still feeling slightly faint from watching Andromeda. So much Tyr and Dylan in one episode.
~drool~ thread
Gwennie Posted Nov 18, 2002
Monday nights are worth waiting for once again thanks to Farscape and Andromeda.
Sorry that you've been feeling GB. Still you have an interesting weekend to look forward to.
~drool~ thread
Ellen Posted Nov 19, 2002
Thanks again everyone for the birthday greetings! I wish I was going to the London meetup, it would be so much fun and I love London. Those of you who go must tell us all about it.
Has anyone seen the commercial for Axe body spray for men? It is hilarious. It starts out with this guy putting on his shirt in the elevator - he's late for work or something. And as he puts on his shirt he sprays this Axe spray on. Then he gets off the elevator, and a man and woman get on. The woman smells the Axe spray, and keeps looking at the guy next to her, thinking it's him. Finally she hits the emergency stop on the elevator. Next thing we see, the elevator opens, and we see the man and woman get out looking VERY rumpled. I love it.
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 19, 2002
The power of suggestion is soooo much funnier than the real thing!
Have some birthday JEllen42!
I am sure I've seen the ad..... but I could picture it from the description you gave anyway!
Sho, I can't believe you don't lock your door and take the phone off the hook on Monday nights {}
Oh well, Farscape is bound to be repeated -
As for meteor watching during the early hours, I waited till 11pm, it was still foggy so I went to bed.
Got up at 3, still foggy.
Went back to sleep till 6am, and it's still foggy.
So I hope you all saw a shooting for me!
I've now got the news on, to see if there were any outside broadcasts...
Oh yes, the Senior Screen, and today the flm is Star Wars Episode 2!
Gonna go by {hope the fog clears up!} to Grimsby for the 10.30am, and get my free
Don't look at me like that!
I don't pass for 65!
I've seen younger than me there !!!
It's the most convenient time for me to go, honest. I have no babysitter to go on a night and there are no then.
4 days to go....sorry you can't come to the London meet-up, it's only a mini-meet Pierce and I arranged, the main meet-up is in January. Pierce is only here for 2 weeks, he's already in London.
Have a great day, JEllen42!
~drool~ thread
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Nov 19, 2002
Happy birthday JEllen!
I think that Axe body spray is called Linx over here - I know that I've seen that ad before.....
Key: Complain about this post
~drool~ thread
- 2481: friendlywithteeth (Nov 16, 2002)
- 2482: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 17, 2002)
- 2483: Coniraya (Nov 17, 2002)
- 2484: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 17, 2002)
- 2485: Gwennie (Nov 17, 2002)
- 2486: friendlywithteeth (Nov 17, 2002)
- 2487: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2488: friendlywithteeth (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2489: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2490: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2491: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2492: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2493: Sho - employed again! (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2494: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2495: Sho - employed again! (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2496: Coniraya (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2497: Gwennie (Nov 18, 2002)
- 2498: Ellen (Nov 19, 2002)
- 2499: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 19, 2002)
- 2500: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Nov 19, 2002)
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