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~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 27, 2002
that "italian sports dude" is the very wonderful, if a little theatrical and ... ahem... over keen on falling over... anyhooo... he is the rather wonderful Paolo Di Canio (who shafted my team, but I'm not bitter)
GB: no Daniel, I think, in the new Stargates... not just yet anyway...
~drool~ thread
Gwennie Posted Nov 27, 2002
Hi ladies! How are you all? How was London GB?
I had intended to drop in last week to let you know about a poll on the BBC R4's Web site but was tied up with other "stuff". Unfortunately I think the poll has finished as I can't find it.
Anyhooooo t'was asking listeners who they would invite over for after Christmas to share eating the left-overs and interesting conversations with.
If you'll pardon the expression mine was a toss up between Tony Benn, Betty Boothroyd, Ian Hislop as then I also wanted Jeremy Paxman, Jasper Carrot, Eddie Izzard and that very nice man who plays Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings!
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 28, 2002
I definately saw Daniel.
Oh yes.
I was dribbling all over the floor, and palpitating too.
Right at the beginning, I think it was one of those "Previously on Stargate SG1" voice-overs by Teal'c. He was sat at the table with all the others.
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 28, 2002
Gwennie, I will compile an invitation list of dinner companions.
Any number except 13, right?
An even mix of male/female?
Or are we allowed all young men?
~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 28, 2002
ok, GB I believe you... although I haven't seen Stargate yet.
Gwennie, I'll fight you for Tony Benn and Ian Hislop and Aragorn. And I'll throw Steve Hogarth into the mix.
~drool~ thread
Coniraya Posted Nov 28, 2002
I caught up with Stargate this evening, a good episode I thought. Was the reporter the same actress who was in Dark Skies? I have seen her before in a series.
~drool~ thread
Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) Posted Nov 29, 2002
Bah. Second attempt since the server disappeared when I tried to send this last night.
Gwennie. The actor who plays Aragorn is called Viggo Mortensen, which is just a great name. From watching the DVD extras, I now know that he is a) widely held to be a great guy, and b) completely insane, in a good way.
Caerwynn. The reporter in Prometheus is played by Kendall Cross, whereas the two women in Dark Skies were Megan Ward and Jeri Ryan. Kendall Cross was however a recurring cast member in Sentinel.
Michael Shanks presumably is in Prometheus, just not as Daniel Jackson.
And now you are all caught up with me on SG-1, and since Sky will now be ahead of the States (my source of episodes being largely stateside), you will be able to see eps before I do, thus critically damaging my aura of omniscience. Darn it.
~drool~ thread
ReaperLadd Posted Nov 29, 2002
SG-1? Is it really ahead in England than the United States? Maybe there doing this because they're trying to build up hype for the big Stargate movie that well be out in 2003-2004. The movie will obviously be shown in the US before shown in Europe?
~drool~ thread
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Nov 29, 2002
I saw "Solid Geometry" wtih Ewan MacGregor in it last night, and forgot how mmmmmmlicious he is!
Funny that many of the films that he makes all involve him getting his kit off....must be something to do with being rather...ahem....well endowed...
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 29, 2002
Oh, er, missus!
Jeri Ryan was in Dark Skies?
I must confess I've not seen her in anything since Voyager, when she presumably got paid to snog Robert Beltran.
Why was the on last night in place of Horizon?
I was really looking forward to that, though I am reliably informed by two people that Horizon was on on Tuesday night.
Well girls, if you hear of any middle-aged ladies causing a riot in Cleethorpes on tonight's news, you'll know who it is.
~drool~ thread
Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) Posted Nov 29, 2002
UK showings of SG-1 are ahead of the States for the same reason that B5 often ended up that way, and Farscape always does as well. Basically, unlike the States, UK TV doesn't take a big break over the Christmas holiday, because it doesn't have the same system of 'sweeps' as American TV.
Whether and when the SG-1 movie emerges is somewhat open to speculation. Not for another year at least, with the series being picked up for a seventh season.
The original female lead in Dark Skies was Megan Ward, but her character was killed and later replaced by Jeri Ryan's. This would have been in her pre-Voyager days, I think. She was also in Dracula 2000 (in the UK, Dracula 2001), a film that has quite a lot going for it, if you switch off the old critical faculties while watching.
~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 29, 2002
>>Dracula 2000 (in the UK, Dracula 2001), a film that has quite a lot going for it, if you switch off the old critical faculties while watching<<
I do believe, fellow droolers, that was the first real instance of drool from Mr. Prophet!! yaaayyyy. Here have a
which ep of Stargate was shown on Wednesday? I haven't seen it yet, and I can't remember where the US got up to. (when UK goes ahead, I get really really busy on the Stargate board I belong to...)
OK, off to collect the gruesomes, and try not to drool too much at the childminder's hubs, who is, apparently, right now dressed in his firefighting gear having just got back from a "Ruf" (German "shout")
what am I doing here, there is a fireman waiting...
~drool~ thread
Coniraya Posted Nov 29, 2002
I remember Jeri Ryan in Dark Skies, but didn't she start off as a member of Majestic, trying to stop the couple from uncovering the cover up? I wonder if it is being rerun on cable.
Sentinel hasn't been shown over, so I don't know where I have seen Kendall Cross before, but I know I have because I remarking on how like a friend of ours she is.
What I really want to know is when is Enterprise coming to Sky1? I saw one new episode whilst in the US in October.
~drool~ thread
Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) Posted Nov 29, 2002
Caerwynn: If you're UK-based, you may have seen Kendall Cross in the second series of The Magician's House on the BBC. Otherwise, try here for a list of her appearances,+Kendall
And no, that really wasn't a drool; sorry Sho. I just felt that, going in with zero expectations, Dracula 2001 was great fun to watch. Of course, I'm a hardened connoisseur of dire movies, and Dracula 2001 may not be for the faint-hearted or the discerning.
~drool~ thread
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 29, 2002
Ach, drat,
gimme that back then
I need it after watching some LoTR clips
I'm in love with an elf and a guy with straggly hair
still, never mind, I have stargate with (possibly) a flash of Daniel to look forward to tomorrow.
Kendall Cross sounds more like a Lake District landmark than anything else.
Still, got an eyeful of not one, not two but three tall firemen in those lovely dark blue jackets with the reflector stripes, and the trousers with the reflector stripes on the bottom, and they let me .... nope, I'm not telling
~drool~ thread
White Hart Posted Nov 29, 2002
I'd guess Enterprise is back in the New Year - Sky tend to start their sci-fi in January and usually catch up with the States in time for the season finales...
~drool~ thread
Coniraya Posted Dec 1, 2002
We really enjoyed Macbeth yesterday. The menfolk were most taken with Samantha Bond.
However I don't like Sean Bean's shaven head and Mark Bazely who plays MacDuff was far more droolable . He has been in quite a few tv programmes, such as Midsomer Murders, I recognised him as soon as he walked on the stage.
The play opens with a huge crash and the girl behind me jumped so much that she rammed her binoculars into her face
~drool~ thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Dec 1, 2002
The episode of Stargate was the follow-up to the captured Goa'uld.
Q is in it as well, and he comes to a sticky end, and it's a two-parter, and Daniel was definately in it, on the flashback at the very beginning.
I saw a Sliders last week with Leeta from DS9, {as Wade's sister} only she had rather small breasts.
Too small for Leeta, I guess she had a boob job before she joined the space station.
I wonder if implants would be ok in space?
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~drool~ thread
- 2541: Sho - employed again! (Nov 27, 2002)
- 2542: Gwennie (Nov 27, 2002)
- 2543: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 28, 2002)
- 2544: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 28, 2002)
- 2545: Sho - employed again! (Nov 28, 2002)
- 2546: Coniraya (Nov 28, 2002)
- 2547: Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2548: ReaperLadd (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2549: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2550: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2551: Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2552: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2553: Sho - employed again! (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2554: Coniraya (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2555: Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2556: Sho - employed again! (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2557: Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru) (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2558: White Hart (Nov 29, 2002)
- 2559: Coniraya (Dec 1, 2002)
- 2560: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Dec 1, 2002)
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