This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh Bugger...

Post 1001

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*cuts MK* down & gives him the kiss of life*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1002

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*he revives*
*GB thanks GOD!*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1003

I'm not really here

Can I kill him off again, so I can try that kiss of life thing?

Oh Bugger...

Post 1004

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*gets in line behind Mina smiley - winkeye*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1005

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*carries on kissing M.K*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1006

I'm not really here

~checks watch, taps foot, drums fingers~

Oh, GB, didn't your mother ever teach you to share??

Oh Bugger...

Post 1007

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*looks up*
OK Mina, your turn.
*gets in line behind Petunia*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1008

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Taps foot. Applies cinnamon and honey lip balm*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1009

I'm not really here

~gives MK the kiss of life, reaches into her pocket for the tongs...~

Maybe not.

Petunia, he's still not breathing, maybe you should try?

Oh Bugger...

Post 1010

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Of course.

*Gives M.K* a kiss, but not sure if it's the kiss of life. Continues kissing him for a good long while, trying all different sorts of kisses to be sure she gets the kiss of life in there somewhere*

I felt something stir. smiley - bigeyes

Oh Bugger...

Post 1011

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*grins to be back at the front of the queue*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1012

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Oh, sorry, GB. Have another go at it?

*gets back in line behind Mina*

Oh Bugger...

Post 1013

I'm not really here

I think we're straying into Emily territory now, I'm nipping over to the new forum. smiley - smiley

Oh Bugger...

Post 1014

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

I had better leave, too.

*goes off to find a cool drink*

The revival continues..

Post 1015

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*carries on kissing M.K*

No Subject

Post 1016

Matthew Kershaw


No Subject

Post 1017

Demon Drawer


Good Health!

Post 1018

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*accepts Martini*
Cheers, M.K*, good health!smiley - bigeyes

Good Health!

Post 1019

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*Downs a a scoch a grins brordly*
63 houres thats all I am saying
smiley - smiley

Good Health!

Post 1020

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Well he must be destracted he did not notice G.B kissing another man

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