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Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 25, 2009
oh but you are qualified, hati
you were born a winner. we all were
remember the gazillions of other sperm cells you left in your wake?
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Sep 26, 2009
but there were northern lights as well
that was not a reflection
or .. well in fact is was of course .. but not ..
oh forget it
tartaronne Posted Sep 26, 2009
*Ponders Hyp's input, while others remember x-mas in Estonia ()*
Yes, presents out of the blue from a colleague, expensive at that, are quite unsettling, Hyp.
But some people just like giving (sharing).
I cannot easily receive, I'd rather give. Very slowly I'm learning to receive without thinking of how to repay (or whether the giver expects something in return).
I've always paid my own way to be on the safe side . When I was young, and a male invited me to the pictures and refused me paying my own ticket, I made sure to buy sweets galore to get financially even.
Then, if holding hands and kissing and so forth developed, it would be because both wanted to - and not 'goods' bought.
*Hands everyone back to full and half moons*
Hati Posted Sep 26, 2009
I am good at trading everything for pancakes. I am slowly getting to that tradition again when I had friends coming over with eggs and milk and flour, sometimes even cooking oil. I have the frying pan and jam.
Hati Posted Sep 26, 2009
What about cardamum buns and nice little pies with frankfurters? Those just got some of my firewood chopped.
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- 41: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 25, 2009)
- 42: Hati (Sep 25, 2009)
- 43: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 25, 2009)
- 44: Hati (Sep 25, 2009)
- 45: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 25, 2009)
- 46: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 25, 2009)
- 47: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 25, 2009)
- 48: Hati (Sep 25, 2009)
- 49: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 25, 2009)
- 50: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 26, 2009)
- 51: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 26, 2009)
- 52: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 26, 2009)
- 53: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Sep 26, 2009)
- 54: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 26, 2009)
- 55: tartaronne (Sep 26, 2009)
- 56: Hati (Sep 26, 2009)
- 57: tartaronne (Sep 26, 2009)
- 58: Hati (Sep 26, 2009)
- 59: tartaronne (Sep 26, 2009)
- 60: Hati (Sep 26, 2009)
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