This is the Message Centre for Hati

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 161

Hapi - Hippo #5

mm.. smiley - biggrin yes, maybe in a week or three smiley - tongueout

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 162


*makes notes*

Oh, and talking about Xmas:

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 163

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin oh good .. I see you're in full Xmas mode already smiley - biggrin

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 164



The First Day of X-mas...

Post 165

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin with some .. eight months to go? or is it three weeks?

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 166


There must be some other church holidays, too.

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 167

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

easy now smiley - yikes first there is holiday, then carnival, then holiday, then easter, then holiday...

you get the picture & do the math smiley - tongueout

smiley - pirate

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 168


Math?! smiley - huh This time of the day?! smiley - yikes It's way too early!

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 169

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl right .. yes, we know about the Danish holidays smiley - biggrin

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 170


smiley - envy

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 171

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl and since F55310?thread=4809574&post=58437112#p58437112 we know that they get bored during those holidays smiley - biggrin

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 172

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

hati, would you be so kind and smack hapi over the head?

sounds like he could do with a stroke of jenius smiley - tongueout

smiley - pirate

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 173

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout .. a stroke of the Jenius? mm..

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 174


*strokes Hapi*

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 175

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin mm.. does that make you feel good?

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 176


Oh, I kinda hoped it'll make *you* feel good. smiley - erm

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 177

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

so now the smiley - blacksheep has turned into smiley - doctor feelgood smiley - huh

smiley - pirate

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 178

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl mm.. well smiley - biggrin aaahhh.. smiley - zen

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 179

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

well, i suppose you could do a lot worse. she seems to be good with both smiley - dogs and s smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

The First Day of X-mas...

Post 180

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - zen so I noticed smiley - zen

smiley - biggrin

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