This is the Message Centre for Hati

So they killed Franz...

Post 241


Thanks, I'll try that smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 242


smiley - zen

So they killed Franz...

Post 243


It is good Hati, esspecially the smiley association game smiley - cool

So they killed Franz...

Post 244


Ah! I'm glad you like it. smiley - biggrin

So they killed Franz...

Post 245


Have you been on the smile association thread then smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 246


Yes, I have seen it. But I don't think I'll join in, I have too many threads going on already. smiley - laugh

So they killed Franz...

Post 247


Oh smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 248

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Wembra, you could try united friends A703126

So they killed Franz...

Post 249


Thanks smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 250

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

as the founder of united friend you are very welcome...

So they killed Franz...

Post 251


I joined, I think smiley - smiley
The website looks very cool and thoughtful, as I said, but what do I do now smiley - erm

Christina smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 252

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you sound smart enough to know what you like!

So they killed Franz...

Post 253


smiley - blush

So they killed Franz...

Post 254

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - smiley ah good smiley - smiley so that's all sorted out, isn't it?


56 messages backlog smiley - rofl you guys *must* be joking, right?

So they killed Franz...

Post 255


56! Really smiley - smiley
Thats surprising

So they killed Franz...

Post 256


Ah yes, and there was something in the backlog we expected you to comment on. So better go and do your digging. smiley - whistle

So they killed Franz...

Post 257


Yeah ... Waits patiently...
Oh I can't take it smiley - laugh

So they killed Franz...

Post 258

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl .. searching 56 backlog messages?? you *must* be joking!!! smiley - rofl well, let's just say that at the moment I'm not that fast searching smiley - whistle

So they killed Franz...

Post 259


Come on Hapi...
Go back to the very begginging of the 56 and you'll find it

Chrissy smiley - winkeye

So they killed Franz...

Post 260

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm amazing.. smiley - rofl

well, here we go smiley - smiley Hati and I are not related, as in "Being a relative of". to my impression being related is not the same as having a relation smiley - tongueout

oh, and we do live together in the summerhouse smiley - biggrin : A797420

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