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So they killed Franz...

Post 201


Hi Hati,
Yeah, I wonder what Hapi would say, ask him next time he/shes on smiley - smiley

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 202


He. Yes, has to be pointed out for him, he's kinda lazy with the backlog. smiley - laugh

So they killed Franz...

Post 203


Oh, well I know now smiley - smiley

Someone tell HIM next time HE goes on about being related to Hati.

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 204


No worries, he will be well reminded to check the backlog. smiley - evilgrin

So they killed Franz...

Post 205


Do you think he'll like what he sees smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 206


I think he'll have a good laugh. But then, he always has.

So they killed Franz...

Post 207


The complete opposite of my dad then.

His rubbish jokes couldn't make a hyena laugh smiley - erm

But thats why we love him smiley - laugh

So they killed Franz...

Post 208


smiley - laugh

Hapi can make me laugh. smiley - zen

So they killed Franz...

Post 209


What's his best joke smiley - laugh

So they killed Franz...

Post 210


smiley - rofl Ask him, not me.

So they killed Franz...

Post 211


Ok, he's not on right now is he?

So they killed Franz...

Post 212


No, he is smiley - ill.

smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 213


Oh, poor Hapi

Kieran on Scorpian Island was ill and couldn't climb to the top of the mountain.

GET BETTER HAPI smiley - cheerup

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 214


Yeah, get better, Hapi. smiley - biggrin

So they killed Franz...

Post 215


What has he got, a cold smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 216


Well, he says it's some flu. smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 217


Oooh, that can't be good smiley - erm

But I'm sure Hapi has good people to look after him smiley - hug

So they killed Franz...

Post 218


Could be, yes.

So they killed Franz...

Post 219


How col is it in Estonia today smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 220


It's +12C right now. Not that cold. And it'll be warmer by next week.

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