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So they killed Franz...

Post 161


You guys can't surprise me really. smiley - tongueout

So they killed Franz...

Post 162

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin oh? do you really think so?

So they killed Franz...

Post 163


No, thinking may hurt, you see...

So they killed Franz...

Post 164

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl mm.. so now we're to surprise you smiley - biggrin

So they killed Franz...

Post 165


smiley - zen

So they killed Franz...

Post 166

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin well, not tonight, but I will give the matter some thoughts smiley - biggrin

So they killed Franz...

Post 167


Hi smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 168



So they killed Franz...

Post 169


So you live in Estonia?
Cool smiley - cool

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 170


Yeah, I do. And it's more than cool atm, it's cold. smiley - winkeye

smiley - brr

So they killed Franz...

Post 171


How cold, below freezing point!!!
If I ever go there I'd better take my scarf smiley - erm

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 172


Not now really, right now it's 10C. And raining mostly, that keeps it warm. smiley - winkeye

So they killed Franz...

Post 173


It does?
In England it just seems to cause flood smiley - erm

Its mild here, and what time is it over there. Its 8:30 P.M. here.

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 174


Here it's GMT+2. So 22.41 atm.

So they killed Franz...

Post 175


So if I lived out there, my parents would make sure I was in bed...

Wembra smiley - erm

So they killed Franz...

Post 176


Yep, my son surely is sleeping already. He is 11.

So they killed Franz...

Post 177


Really, I'm 12

Chrissy smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 178


My daughter is 17. But I'm afraid others in this thread have even older kids. smiley - winkeye

So they killed Franz...

Post 179


I feel like a baby now. I'm older than most of my friends on the Raven forum smiley - erm

Christina smiley - smiley

So they killed Franz...

Post 180


Age is a state of mind, as our dear friend Pierce the smiley - pirate often points out.

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