This is the Message Centre for Hati

Hati: 7

Post 1


Happy hootooversary to me. 7 interesting years, a lot to be grateful for. smiley - zen

Hati: 7

Post 2


congratulations smiley - biggrin

Hati: 7

Post 3


all the bestsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hati: 7

Post 4


You should delete that note so you would have to ask me! smiley - tongueout

smiley - tomatosmiley - smoochsmiley - bubbly

17th of May *is* a very special hootoo day if you ask me. smiley - winkeye

Hati: 7

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - biggrin Seven entire years!

smiley - bubbly

Hati: 7

Post 6


smiley - bubblysmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Hati: 7

Post 7

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - biggrin
smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Hati: 7

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

happy hootoo 7th

what will that be in human years?

Hati: 7

Post 9

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Hello little girl, have fun today! smiley - discosmiley - bubbly

smiley - towel

Hati: 7

Post 10


Happy anniversary, Hati! smiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

Hati: 7

Post 11

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - biggrin

Hati: 7

Post 12

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*sacrifices a g**t in smiley - blacksheeps honour smiley - biggrin*

smiley - pirate

Hati: 7

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wowwell done Hati!smiley - bubbly

It must be nearly mine thensmiley - whistle

Hati: 7

Post 14


smiley - ta for the attention. smiley - biggrin

Hati: 7

Post 15

Santragenius V

Me late?? (referring "casually" to my musehood...)

smiley - hug & happy 7.

Hati: 7

Post 16

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl nearly 8 now

Hati: 7

Post 17

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

it's been several smiley - moons since i turned 7 here

when did you join, hapi?

smiley - pirate

Hati: 7

Post 18

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin I don't know for sure.. but there is an Aces' welcome hapi message dated August 2002 smiley - smiley

Hati: 7

Post 19

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - wow you have a real jubilee coming up then. we must emember to celebrate it during the estonian summer xmas smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Hati: 7

Post 20

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin ah yes, five years smiley - biggrin mm.. that calls for smiley - ale !!

smiley - cheers

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