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Hati's Danish thread

Post 121

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

congrats smiley - smiley

i am on my way to the company's julemøde. i wonder what gifts they have in store for us this year smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 122


Have fun and anything available. smiley - winkeye

Hati's Danish thread

Post 123

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i did. far as i remember anyway smiley - whistle

the smiley - gifts were - er - unusual this year, though: one bottle of smiley - redwine, one bottle of , a box of smiley - chocs and six *tumblers* would you believe it? smiley - erm

oh, well, they'll make a nice smiley - gift for my eldest who just left home to live for himself smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 124


smiley - drool
Where did I put my smiley - choc now...

Hati's Danish thread

Post 125


Could anybody polish my memory - how do you make that rice and almond stuff you eat with cherry sauce? smiley - grovel

Hati's Danish thread

Post 126

Santragenius V

Like a full recipe, you mean - or just the general outline...?

Hati's Danish thread

Post 127


A full recipe would be better, just in case. I don't even know how it's called in Danish, so that I could search the web. smiley - winkeye

Hati's Danish thread

Post 128

Santragenius V

Ris á l'amande:

This is a very popular dessert during the holidays, especially among children, who win a present if they happen to be the lucky person who finds the whole almond in their serving of rice pudding. It is recommended that Part I of the recipe be made the evening before, so that the rice mixture is chilled before serving.

[indeed we have made ours todaysmiley - smiley]

Part I
Make a mixture of rice porridge. The following instructions come from the PAMA GRØDRIS package and yields four (4) servings:

1-1/4 dl. grødris (pudding rice) [short, rounded rice best for "rice porridge"]
1-1/4 dl. water
1/2 liter milk

Sprink the rice into the boiling water and cook for two (2) minutes. Add the milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
[they very easily go on the bottom of the pot - hence the stirring]

Place a cover on the pan and reduce the temperature to low. Cook for approximately 35 minutes, stirring frequently - until it's soft and not "liquid", but not overly mushy. Then remove from heat and add 1/2 spk (tablespoon) of sugar and three (3) tsk (teaspoons) of vanillesukker (vanilla sugar). Cool overnight in the refrigerator.

Part II
Before serving, add the following ingredients to the rice mixture: 50 grams of chopped, skinned almonds; one whole, skinned almond, and whipped cream from two dl of piskefløde (whipping cream). Blend thoroughly but with a light hand. Ris a l'amande is usually served in two bowls, one for the rice pudding and another bowl filled with kirsebærsauce (cherry sauce), which Danes usually spoon on top of the pudding.

Hati's Danish thread

Post 129


smiley - drool

Thank you ever so much! I've made that rice porridge thing already today but i was not sure what should I do next. smiley - winkeye We had it on out Danish dinner and it was ever so good. smiley - biggrin

Hati's Danish thread

Post 130

Santragenius V

Very slightly modified from one found on the 'net (gee - what did we do before smiley - huh)...

Port is very good to drink with it, imho (but then, I love port smiley - smiley)

Hati's Danish thread

Post 131


I guess we're going to have . smiley - winkeye It's so smiley - brr here and after church it'll take couple hours to warm up. smiley - smiley

Hati's Danish thread

Post 132

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

er, i don't want to quibbel over insignificant details, but seeing as this is a thread for learning danish i feel obliged to point out that the only proper way to spell it in danish is "risalamande". if it is any consolation to you, santragenius, spelling it wrong is a very common mistake indeed. i see it dozens of times every x-mas-season (i must admit i have done it myself many times smiley - whistle before i became a sub editor and was payed to right the wrongs of my writing colleagues).

meanwhile, i like to cook my rice porridge by heating the milk until boiling, pouring the rice into it (150 gramms per liter whole milk) and stirring the porridge until it thickens. then i put the pot to bed and cover it with duvets. this saves both time (you don't have to stir it) and energy. After an hour or so i add a tablespoon of salt.

DONT' FORGET: water boils at 100 degrees, milk boils when you turn your back on it smiley - zen

We usually eat this porridge with cinnamon and sugar on top and a lump of butter. you can drink any kind of red fruit juice (usually a mix of smiley - strawberry-, black currant- and cherry-juice or the like) with it, but the tradition says hvidtøl, whis is a dark, sweet smiley - stout with very little alcohol, thus suited for children. It is wellknown in Denmark and Germany, but I haven't seen it anywhere else on smiley - earth

The remains of the porridge is mixed with whipped cream, skinned and chopped almonds, sugar and vanilla and served with hot cherry sauce as a desert on christmas eve, exactly as santragenius says. don't forget to put the one whole skinned almond in the pot! whoeever gets the almond and is entitled to the "mandelgave" ( = almond smiley - gift ), usually gets a marcipangris ( = piglet made of marzipan) or the like.

enjoy smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 133



I boil the rice for risalamande (I'd better check the spelling...ok)in water because I find it too stuffy boiled in milk when one adds whipped cream as well.

In this family everyone buys a mandelgave and we have an almond for each person present.

It developed that way because my grandmother couldn't bear not to win the present. It spoiled her evening - and we kids wouldn't allow unfair cheating when we discovered that my mother PLACED the almond in my grandmothers plate smiley - laugh.

My mandelgave this year is a feathery white heart on top of a one m tall steel rod...(it matches the bird in cage from you, Hati smiley - winkeye. They are both placed right beside my harddisc - for inspiration. smiley - lovesmiley - tit

Hati's Danish thread

Post 134


It tastes very smiley - drool however you spell it. smiley - winkeye
Atm I am busy with reading postcards in Danish. smiley - laugh

smiley - tomato

Hati's Danish thread

Post 135


Hi smiley - smiley

I'm trying to tidy up my new harddisk and sort out the data recovered from the old - and found this from a (Danish) freelance collegue living and working i China:

Dansk kärlighedsglögg.

Smuldrede mandler
Valgfri rosiner
1 citron ­ saft og skal
Rörsukker ­ efter smag
4 store stave ingefär
Spidsen af 1 stang kanel
1 kardemommefrö

Det hele undtagen rödvinen blandes. Skal staa (aa = å) og träkke mindst 3 ­ 4 timer, gerne längere (tilsät evt. 1 ­ 2 del rödvin). Herefter kommes mere mandarinsaft i sammen med lidt mere ingefär, og herefter kommes rödvin i.
Glöggen varmes op til ca. 30 grader. Smag til. Varmes yderligere op men maa ikke koge.

smiley - drool It might work smiley - winkeye

Hati's Danish thread

Post 136


smiley - drool
I won't get into brewing in that early hour of the day, I still have some w*rk to do. smiley - winkeye

Hati's Danish thread

Post 137

Santragenius V

Sounds smiley - ok My wife would like the thing about raisins free of choice...

But gløgg would go well with lunch, I'd say...

Hati's Danish thread

Post 138

Santragenius V

smiley - yikes would NOT go well was what I intended to say..........!

Hati's Danish thread

Post 139


smiley - laugh

I was already wondering... smiley - silly
It's so cold here that I am already considering having some glögg to make the evening better. I guess I should find somebody to come and join me. smiley - zen

Hati's Danish thread

Post 140

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i will be with you in spirit, hati smiley - zen

mind you: i will also be here in spirit smiley - drunk

smiley - pirate

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