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Hati's Danish thread

Post 101

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

er, you mean 2 packs with a total of 20 cigarettes?

in that case you could ask: jeg vil gerne have/købe to ti-styks cecil (or prince or kings or whatever you prefer. oh, i know: look mentol)

how do you say merry christmas and a happy new year in estonian? is it anything like: haeid joulupuehi ja head uut aastat!

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 102


Nope, I meant packs of twenty, total 40. Would just two packs be enough or should I mention the size of the pack? You see, we only have packs of 20 here. And our teacher knows nothing about buying cigarettes. smiley - winkeye

Your estonian is quite smiley - ok. I can see you don't have ä and ü on your keyboard. It's common to replace ü with y but for ä we don't have any replacement. (Exept danish one of course smiley - silly)

Hati's Danish thread

Post 103

Santragenius V

Interesting - I thought smiley - pirate had just punched keys in random succession smiley - tongueout Now, what's the normality factor for that spelling out Merry Christmas in Estonian??? (something like a certain story involving monkeys, the complete works of Shakespeare - and a Chesterfield sofa......)

Hati's Danish thread

Post 104


Wha'? smiley - huh
It's so easy - Häid jõulupühi!

Hati's Danish thread

Post 105

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'll häve yöü knöw that i've göt älmöst éverything ôn this here keyboard. just show med where to put the ¨'s and i'll dò it smiley - silly

to tyve-styks grøn savoy

smiley - pirate

ps: didn't the story also involve a , santra? smiley - silly

Hati's Danish thread

Post 106


Is grøn savoy the best menthol you have? smiley - biggrin

Hati's Danish thread

Post 107

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

according to my colleague they are the mildest. he never smokes any others if he can help it.

but you can also get grønne marlboro and grønne look and probably a few others brands too

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 108


Marlboro is smiley - yuk. The best is YSL. smiley - ok

Hati's Danish thread

Post 109

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

my colleague thinks look are too strong and too heavy on tar and nicotine.

"smoking is damaging to your health and may even kill you", he says, "but grøn savoy will kill you less", seems to be his opinion.

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 110


smiley - laugh Makes sense. smiley - winkeye

Hati's Danish thread

Post 111

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

better a green than a grey day death smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 112

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

actually that should have been "a grade A death". i wanted to steal that phrase from Spike Jones' "Carmen murdered". but it made a (very) little more sense to write "a grey day death". thank you. end of message smiley - silly

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 113


I have to write few sentences about Christmat at my home in Danish. That will be smiley - headhurts. Or rather pain in the smiley - bleep.

Hati's Danish thread

Post 114


*looks at her fingers with a slight confusion*

Hati's Danish thread

Post 115

Santragenius V

"... and she dies a grade A death" Some times since I heard that one. smiley - laugh it is...!

Hati's Danish thread

Post 116


Oh sure smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Wait a minute! smiley - cross Are we discussing *my* death here?

Hati's Danish thread

Post 117

Santragenius V

No, no, no, no and no! And Carmen doesn't even die - she just sings the well known bravachi pizzicato poco allegro moderato from the third movement of the andante allegretto.

And then she eventually gets Don Schmosé in the end and chews bubblegum happily ever after smiley - smiley

Hati's Danish thread

Post 118


what a relief

Hati's Danish thread

Post 119

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

chew, chew, chewchewchew hoot-hoot smiley - musicalnote

actually, it's don schmosé's opponent whatshisname who dies a grade A death

smiley - laugh it is anyway smiley - ok

so how's your danish x-mas-story coming along, hati?

smiley - pirate

Hati's Danish thread

Post 120


Ask Santra, he knows everything about it. smiley - winkeye

I just arrived from our julemad. I am going to explode any minute, I'm afraid. The rice and almond stuff was the best. smiley - biggrin And the glögg, of course. And we played that gift-game with dice we played in Esbjerg. I was quite lucky. smiley - ok

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