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Lydia Koidula

Post 441


By the looks of it they're enjoying the process. It's not even half done yet. As about building a new one, yes, eventually. I hope they'll take their time.

Lydia Koidula

Post 442

Ivan the Terribly Average

They will take their time. No builder ever w*rked in a hurry... except, maybe, for the ones who built that tower in Pisa. I think they've retired, though.

Lydia Koidula

Post 443


Ah yes, I should know better. The houses they now build in 3-4 months used to take 3-4 years and no-one thought it's a long time.

Lydia Koidula

Post 444

Ivan the Terribly Average

Cathedrals used to take hundreds of years to build. Maybe they still do. Is there any chance they'd be building a cathedral after they've cleared the ground? (If so, how do you feel about bells and loud music?)

Lydia Koidula

Post 445


The main church of the town is 200m away from here. They will get one more bell this summer. Only yesterday we were discussing that there's no cathedral in EE. We suggested our priest to become a archbishop, those should have a cathedral and then we might get one here. smiley - laugh
However, I wouldn't like to have it across the street. Not because of the bells but because of my daylight. I am quite short of it already.

Lydia Koidula

Post 446

Ivan the Terribly Average

No cathedral? Well, maybe that is what they're going to build there. I wouldn't want one right across the street from me, I admit, but they can be interesting to look at. And yes, I can see that the shadow would be a problem. Maybe an underground cathedral..?

Lydia Koidula

Post 447


That's a clever idea, it's even a quite high spot here - otherwise they'd be afraid of being flooded. This spring makes people a bit careful with that...

Lydia Koidula

Post 448

Ivan the Terribly Average

An underground cathedral might even be a novel tourist attraction.

It's 1:20am and I'm not in bed. smiley - yawn This is all wrong. But I'm going to the art gallery at 2am...

Lydia Koidula

Post 449


Everything is a bit wrong. I guess I don't like the year, it's no better than the previous one and I am slowly losing interest in anything. Everything.
And I forget everything. I postpone doing things and then I forget those, my phone is full of reminders, I have sticky notes all around me and yet I miss so many things, deadlines, people...
I just want to sit and see the grass growing. (It just started to grow, btw.)

Lydia Koidula

Post 450

Ivan the Terribly Average

I find myself forgetting lots of small but important details at w*rk. I think there's just too much going on in my head and some things have to fall out to make room for the others. Sometime soon I'm hoping to have a calm life again. smiley - zen In the meantime I'm unwell and stuck at home today.

I'm glad the grass is growing somewhere. It isn't growing here...

Lydia Koidula

Post 451


I think I have nothing in my head. smiley - laugh

And grass... It also was snowing last morning. Sleeting.

Lydia Koidula

Post 452

Ivan the Terribly Average

Sleet. smiley - bigeyes I see sleet here more often than real snow; it looks much the same as the real thing, but it's so disappointing. It's like a lot of things in life, really.

Lydia Koidula

Post 453


After this winter I simply hate anything white. smiley - yuk Btw, we still have a small pile of snow in the backyard. Knee-high or so. We decided to keep that until midsummer but if it keeps raining, we may lose it. smiley - erm

Lydia Koidula

Post 454

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm rather bored with brown, to be honest... Things are greener than they have been in recent years as we've had some rain, but they're still mostly brown.

Lydia Koidula

Post 455


Here it's still relatively wet. Not in towns really, but all the snow was a good start for the fields. Atm the whole country is covered with wild geese though, so they eat anything that looks green. And there isn't much of that on the fields, so they're stuck in quite wrong place and they can't move on either as further in North there's even less green stuff. Migrating isn't easy. smiley - zen

Lydia Koidula

Post 456

Ivan the Terribly Average

Wild geese. smiley - bigeyes I'd like to see them... Do they make much of a mess?

You're right that migrating isn't easy. I'm trying to migrate to another house and the problems are surprising; it must be so much worse for a goose.

Lydia Koidula

Post 457


Goose doesn't have much belongings. They make some trouble to the farmers, of course. Usually they eat the winter crops (wheat usually, sown in autumn. However, this year there isn't any winter crops. Either it was too harsh winter or the farmers just don't have those, I don't know. The geese surely are disappointed.
They look quite impressive on the field. Just like almost anything that comes in thousands. smiley - laugh

Lydia Koidula

Post 458

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, I think yo have a point there. More than a thousand of anything looks impressive. I'm sure we all looked impressive at school, in our uniforms, listening to the speeches at formal assemblies. The rest of the time we would have just been a smelly rabble.

Lydia Koidula

Post 459


smiley - yikes What horrible ideas cross your mind in the middle of.. erm.. my night. smiley - silly

Lydia Koidula

Post 460

Ivan the Terribly Average


Broad daylight here, but the thought is still horrid. I apologise for it. I can't imagine why I was thinking of school after all these years. Maybe it's because I have some homew*rk to do this weekend. smiley - silly

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