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Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 13, 2010
I sure will. I'll be in Brussels. Some w*rk related stuff but I'll also meet Hapi there. Leaving tomorrow morning.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 22, 2010
I did enjoy indeed. It was nice and warm there, no snow.
Now, here we still have this half a meter of snow and I've got a horrible headcold. I think I need to sleep it off. Staying awake only makes it worse - endless sneezing and my nose runs like... umm... a medium size river.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 23, 2010
It could be worse, your nose could run like a greyhound and then you'd have trouble catching it.
My brain is falling apart - tomorrow I'll make my final offer on the house I've decided I must have. If my offer isn't accepted I'll be very disappointed indeed. The house isn't that white one with the trees; I decided not to buy that one. (The land the white house is on is quite steep and as I get older I'm likely to find it too hard to manage, considering I have back and leg trouble already.) The house I've decided I want is completely different and it's on flat land. It's also closwer to shops and closer to w*rk and closer to lots of things that are worth being near. Now let's see if I get it. I might find out by the end of the week...
I can't remember if I showed you this house or not. I'll send you a link.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 23, 2010
No, I hadn't seen that one yet. It looks larger than the previous one. Almost too large, but then that may be the photos, of course. And me, I don't like big empty spaces. I absolutely love the light in the house. And the courtyard is quite promising.
If you get old then you'll hire a servant (for bed and food) and he'll do the shopping for you. But until then... yes, it's reasonable to avoid uncomfortable places. Inconvenient.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 23, 2010
Then again, the proper reaction could have been:
Oh, lovely! That's the nicest house indeed. I am sure you'll get it.
I tend to think of those things only with some hindsight. Or at least after the 'post message' button. But I guess you don't mind.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 23, 2010
It isn't quite as large as it looks in the photos, and the living area can be made to look smaller by covering the whole of the long wall in bookshelves.
Even better - it *feels* really nice. It feels like it could be home.
And if I get the place I'll never have spare money ever again.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 23, 2010
If my offer is accepted it will be 8-10 weeks before the place is officially mine... But if I'm planning to be there 30 years, what's a few weeks?
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 23, 2010
Yes, there will be plenty of time. That thought is keeping me calm.
If I don't get the house there will be even more time.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 23, 2010
Last time I was moving I had to sell my house first. That took more than 2 years. Then we found a buyer. Then I had to find a new place. There was plenty of time for everything. Eventually I had to get everything done in 3 days or so - pack, get to the other end of the town. At -20C or colder. That was quite horrible. Well, it's horrible to look back anyway. Back then I was a bit distanced from it all.
So, 8-10 weeks is a long time for very organised people.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 24, 2010
I didn't get the house. Someone offered more than I could afford, which was also more than the place is worth. Even the agent agrees.
I'm drinking. It seems the thing to do.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 24, 2010
I think I'll fall asleep before I get drunk; that's probably a good thing, seeing it's only Wednesday.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 24, 2010
Now I can only wait with a lot of curiosity, to see how the next house will look like. Houses down there look quite different from ours, in general.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 25, 2010
I'll show you the next one just as soon as I find it. There's nothing worthwhile on the market right now. I shall just have to wait.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 25, 2010
The lease on this house ends in May. I have to decide whether to renew it for another year... I can stay here without a formal lease, but if I don't have a lease I can be given three weeks' notice to leave *at any time*. This could make life complicated.
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Lydia Koidula
- 381: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 13, 2010)
- 382: Hati (Mar 13, 2010)
- 383: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 14, 2010)
- 384: Hati (Mar 22, 2010)
- 385: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 23, 2010)
- 386: Hati (Mar 23, 2010)
- 387: Hati (Mar 23, 2010)
- 388: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 23, 2010)
- 389: Hati (Mar 23, 2010)
- 390: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 23, 2010)
- 391: Hati (Mar 23, 2010)
- 392: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 23, 2010)
- 393: Hati (Mar 23, 2010)
- 394: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 24, 2010)
- 395: Hati (Mar 24, 2010)
- 396: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 24, 2010)
- 397: Hati (Mar 24, 2010)
- 398: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 25, 2010)
- 399: Hati (Mar 25, 2010)
- 400: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 25, 2010)
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