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Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 28, 2010
That's fair enough; obviously it was designed by a sick person to meet his own needs. (Definitely designed by a man, not a woman; it's unusable.)
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 28, 2010
And I have had another phone call from the agent. I didn't get that nice little white house.
So I'm back in the position I was in at the start of the weekend. There are no properties that interest me at the moment. I think I'd better renew my lease on the house I'm in, just in case I don't find anything to buy for a while.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Mar 28, 2010
Well, yes. That's the rule. As soon as you're renewed the lease, your chances on getting a house are much higher immediately.
So the nice white house was too steep indeed. I think providence is the word.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 29, 2010
There's nothing new to look at today. This is very frustrating.
On the bright side, I have a verbal assurance that I can stay in this house as long as I want, and that I don't have to sign a new lease. I think I trust these people; I hope I'm right to do so.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Mar 31, 2010
Have I shown you this house before? It's truly nasty.
I don't want that one at all.
As it's Easter this weekend and a lot of people will be out of town, I think it's likely there won't be many new houses for me to look at for a few days. Good. I need a rest.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Apr 1, 2010
Eek! For bob's sake, who would like to live in that house at all? No, don't answer that. I have seen that sort of people. From a safe distance.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 1, 2010
People who like that sort of house should definitely be kept at a safe distance, even in a different country if possible - so you're lucky this time and I'm not.
I won't be having a quiet weekend after all. Mum's Cousin M called to say that she'd be in town with her family over Easter. The National Folk Festival is on - lots of music and dance, most of it based on British traditions. M's husband is appearing in an obviously non-British dance groups called 'Virmalised'. I'll watch them perform this afternoon. As it happens, this will be the first time I've seen any of my relatives since June. (Afterwards, I'll be able to say that I've seen the Northern Lights. )
In the distance I can hear my grandmother turning in her grave. She hated M's mother and wouldn't let us have anything to do with that side of the family. Now, of course, we're all free to do what we want.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Apr 1, 2010
Sounds good enough to me. Well, provided that the weather is nice and people as well.
I am not too fond of folk dance though. But never mind that, I w*rk for the mendance festival currently, so I shouldn't complain.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Apr 1, 2010
Ah good, their English web is up eventually:
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 1, 2010
Folk dance isn't really my thing either. I like knowing that old tradtions are being carried on, and I'm happy for other people to do these things, but I'm especially happy when I don't have to do anything about it myself.
(That's a nice, uncomplicated website, by the way.)
I've just missed a bus - I shall have to stay home for another hour. Oh well.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 5, 2010
The weekend was very, very tiring. It's a good thing I have another day off.
I saw M and her family; I saw the dancing, which was good. I also saw a whole group of Estonians being complete introverts; I was introduced to them and none of us really knew what to do next - there was a lot of shuffling about and looking at feet and trying to think of something to say. While that was happening I was getting sunburnt.
I also saw the art show I've described in my Journal, and I went to lunch at the Botanic Gardens, and invited people here for red wine and finger-food.
Unfortunately, I also set fire to a kitchen cupboard. I'm trying to fix that today.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Apr 6, 2010
Quite a lot indeed.
The Estonians... I know. Setting fire in the kitchen.. I know that too, but only in my kitchen where I have fire in the stove anyway. How did you manage it?
The art show was impressive, or rather, your impressions were.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 6, 2010
The kitchen cupboard - it was all a bit silly, really. I had drunk a decent amount of . Rather than switching on the main light and blinding my guests I had a few lamps instead, and some candles. I moved one of the candlesticks (5 candles) so I could use that part of the bench for cutting something up, and then noticed that I'd put the candles under a cupboard on the wall...
I think I screamed when I noticed that the underside of the cupboard was black and bubbling. It's fixed now, more or less.
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 6, 2010
Some of the things in the cupboard got quite hot, including a jar of smoked paprika. That made me laugh, at least.
Lydia Koidula
Hati Posted Apr 6, 2010
I can see a house from my window, or rather, what's left of it. It was quite a big fire. It happen way before I moved here, though. So I don't have nightmares. It's quite a warning, I'd say. And for the time being it's quite a curse as well - they are demolishing it now. Very carefully, slowly and loudly. From 8 am on every weekday. I used to sleep that early...
Lydia Koidula
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 6, 2010
Is there much left of the house? How much longer will they be demolishing it? (Of course then they'll build something else there, but that's usually quieter than demolition.)
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Lydia Koidula
- 421: Hati (Mar 27, 2010)
- 422: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 28, 2010)
- 423: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 28, 2010)
- 424: Hati (Mar 28, 2010)
- 425: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 29, 2010)
- 426: Hati (Mar 29, 2010)
- 427: Ivan the Terribly Average (Mar 31, 2010)
- 428: Hati (Apr 1, 2010)
- 429: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 1, 2010)
- 430: Hati (Apr 1, 2010)
- 431: Hati (Apr 1, 2010)
- 432: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 1, 2010)
- 433: Hati (Apr 4, 2010)
- 434: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 5, 2010)
- 435: Hati (Apr 6, 2010)
- 436: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 6, 2010)
- 437: Hati (Apr 6, 2010)
- 438: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 6, 2010)
- 439: Hati (Apr 6, 2010)
- 440: Ivan the Terribly Average (Apr 6, 2010)
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