This is the Message Centre for Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

The Roving Reporter

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Have questions for the Roving Reporter? Ask!

Want to suggest a place for me to visit? Here's the place to leave a note. Please be aware that with one feature a week (and the fact that I'm generally working a few weeks in advance), it may take me a while to get to your place smiley - smiley, but I am interested in your suggestions.

The Roving Reporter

Post 2


Very nice, informative article on the cafe. I really enjoyed it! Bravo!smiley - smiley

The Roving Reporter

Post 3


I'd like to know if & when you're planning on doing Frinks Drinks, and the Waterworks'll be nice too. smiley - smiley

The Roving Reporter

Post 4

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Definitely both are places that I'd like to feature soon. Thanks. I'll let you know.
smiley - smiley

The Roving Reporter

Post 5

Chris Tonks

*A dark figure slips quitely into the thread. He sidles over to a table that's just appeared, and with a single movement of his arm, dives into his pocket and places in the table a small device.*

Hehe, that should do it...

*He sneaks away again. The device is another of his infamous holographic notice projectors, and this one waits to be activated.*

The Roving Reporter

Post 6

Chris Tonks

*A while later, Pr. C. Tonks returns, and activates it, before sneaking away embarassed that he forgot to turn it on in the first place.*

Psst. Hey, er, you might want to er, write about the Space Station Big C. Er, it's really nice, has been established over h2g2 for a while, but still needs some publicity. I figure your column would be ideal. Speak to me if you want any, hehe, persuasion...

*The floating image of Pr. C. Tonks' face, looking sofisticated as always, stays up there until Redbeard hears the message.*

The Roving Reporter

Post 7

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Hmmm.. nice hologram.

*starts to write note to himself, realizes pencil is broken, rummages around and finally finds one in the galley that was used to stir... something*

Remember to do a piece on the space station. Not now, obviously, since I just did one on the space centre, and my column is due, uh, now *mentally kicks himself in the head to get today's column written* but sometime soon, OK?

The Roving Reporter

Post 8

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ok. Just recently, I visited a favorite h2g2 place of mine, The 24Seven store..., and had to go to the General Hospital because of a grape-vanilla slerpee headache http://F52268?thread=77109... You might want to do an expose(And get to promote these two groovy places on h2g2) on the grape-vanilla slerpee incident. Understand though, that I will ALWAYS shop at the 24Seven(Oh, I love it there!!!), and.... since you are the great reporter that you are, you'll notice the headache was induced not just by the slerpee, but by my jumping and running around before comsuming it... Just something to think over... :-P

The Roving Reporter

Post 9

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

I could use some help at the Beer Review Page - maybe a small if shameless plug? Pretty please?

The Roving Reporter

Post 10


What's a brownie?

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