This is the Message Centre for Number Six

The Italian Job

Post 21


But beer in France is expensive...

smiley - panda

The Italian Job

Post 22


Not in cans it isn't smiley - bigeyes

The Italian Job

Post 23

Number Six

smiley - ta everyone!

Fortunately I have travel insurance that comes with my bank account. But somehow I thought I ought to get an E111 as well... smiley - erm

Sun tan lotion - check!
Money - check!
Bug spray - check!
French and Italian dictionaries - check!

Camera, minidisc player, minidiscs, non-digital camera in case I feel like doing any proper old-school photography... teethbreesh, earplugs.

Ron, the maps! (Or Rene Descartes as he was known in France) smiley - groan

smiley - mod

The Italian Job

Post 24

Number Six

And remember. In This Country They Drive On The Wrong Side Of The Road.

smiley - mod

The Italian Job

Post 25

Trin Tragula

Have a good time then smiley - ok

(And try not to run over Lance Armstrong tomorrow)

The Italian Job

Post 26

Number Six

smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

The Italian Job

Post 27

McKay The Disorganised

Have a good time smiley - ok Don't argue with the French police - you're English - you're in the wrong. smiley - ok

smiley - cider

The Italian Job

Post 28

I'm not really here

Number Six, you still seem to be here. smiley - sillysmiley - biggrin

The Italian Job

Post 29


I bet he forgets to send us all postcards smiley - sadface

The Italian Job

Post 30

I'm not really here

smiley - wah

The Italian Job

Post 31

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - wah

F1134023?thread=632565 smiley - winkeye

The Italian Job

Post 32

McKay The Disorganised

Is it too late to mention GB car sticker ?

Thought so.

smiley - cider

The Italian Job

Post 33


Do you still need those? I thought that if you had one of those flag thingies on your number plate then you were covered.

Not that I've got one you understand. No way am I having some 'Euro ring of stars flag' within a hundred feet of my car, or anything else that I own smiley - tongueout

The Italian Job

Post 34


smiley - laugh

Are we to assume that Six is not actually as addicted to Hootoo as the rest of us and won't be checking in from internet cafes along his route?

The Italian Job

Post 35

McKay The Disorganised

Well I did think he'd have checked in by now.

smiley - cider

The Italian Job

Post 36


Never mind, he'll be really pleased we're all here, filling up his PS so efficiently smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin

The Italian Job

Post 37


We could make a whole lot of blog for him to return tosmiley - evilgrin

The Italian Job

Post 38

I'm not really here

" I thought that if you had one of those flag thingies on your number plate then you were covered."

That's true, but not every numberplate has them on. I've just put a new numberplate on my car, and you don't get them as a matter of course.

blah blah blah, jabber chitter chatter, just giving Number Six something to read when he gets back. :D

The Italian Job

Post 39


And lots of things that he'll wish he thought of before he left... smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

The Italian Job

Post 40

Number Six

Well, I'm back, and it was brilliant!

2550 miles, six days, three countries. Could maybe have done with two or even three weeks to do it, but you can't argue. I'll try and post something a bit more coherent once I've had a chance to collect my thoughts.

smiley - mod

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