This is the Message Centre for Ming Mang

Oxford Rejection

Post 21

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

That's cause Hatfield is pants. You don't wanna go theresmiley - winkeye

My house is about 1/3 mile away from Hild and Bede. What date MM?smiley - smiley

Oxford Rejection

Post 22

Ming Mang

Ahh, that would be telling... smiley - winkeye Have to speak to you on M$N sometime. smiley - biggrin


Oxford Rejection

Post 23


are you not going on the normal open day then??
one of my friends has got an offer for hatfield...
^. .^
= ' =

Oxford Rejection

Post 24

Ming Mang

No, I'm going for an interview. I don't have an offer.


Oxford Rejection

Post 25


ah, ok
so we won't be there at the same time?
^. .^
= ' =

Oxford Rejection

Post 26

Ming Mang

No, I'm afraid not. smiley - sadface


Oxford Rejection

Post 27

Hopelessly Paranoid

I applied to van mildert, I can't remember if my application was open. They told me that lots of people with open applications get sent to VM and I got the impression that some other colleges have a phoney sense of superiority because of that. I remember having a laugh when I was there at least, and liking VM, though I nearly spilt 6 drinks at once, nearly immediately making myself a college pariah. smiley - winkeye

But Durham is SOOOOOOO far away from me though, as a Londoner. I don't know why I applied. The trek factor totally put it out of my scope.

I think you'll all enjoy the trip tho


Oxford Rejection

Post 28

Ming Mang

And I'm an hour's train journey south of London...


Oxford Rejection

Post 29

Hopelessly Paranoid


can you stomach a 3-4 hour train journey? smiley - winkeye


Oxford Rejection

Post 30

njan (afh)

Hatfield is a cool college. smiley - tongueout

At least you didn't actually spill the drinks. About a month ago, I was in the dungeon (a club in Southampton) with a full pint of cider clutched between both hands, elbows sticking out, when someone walked into one of my elbows, removing one of the hands from a pair which - being either side of the glass - was necessary to the status of the pint being held. smiley - laugh

I wasn't drunk, I swear! It wasn't /my/ fault that the whole thing hit the floor and made a sizable mess over both floor and surrounding populous.. but the barstaff didn't believe me. smiley - sadface.. they gave me another pint, though. smiley - biggrin

Oxford Rejection

Post 31

Hopelessly Paranoid

Thats good work njan. I expect more of the same in the future smiley - winkeye


Oxford Rejection

Post 32

Ming Mang

3-4 train journeys I can cope with. That's here to Oxford or Warwick. It appears to be 5 hours from here to Durham. Still, I've just got several more books to get through, so I'm sure I can cope. smiley - winkeye


Oxford Rejection

Post 33

Hopelessly Paranoid

you're a stronger girl than I am, though thats possibly obvious.


Oxford Rejection

Post 34

njan (afh)

hey, no teasing.. it wasn't funny. smiley - winkeye.. anyhow, I normally drink bacardi in the dungeon.. it's easier to drink straight shots and leave the glasses at the bar: it saves having to negotiate dance floors with glasses and bottles. the dungeon being full of bikers and goths with little seeming coordination, it's somewhat challenging at the best of times. smiley - winkeye

Oxford Rejection

Post 35

Ming Mang

Well, I can cope with mindless tedium for quite a while (I haven't got bored in lessons for years). I managed to go a 14-hour coach journey (to Germany) without getting bored and I spent only half an hour of that time reading. And I was awake for all of it. smiley - erm


Oxford Rejection

Post 36

Hopelessly Paranoid

That is an amazing.... astounding talent... I envy you.


Oxford Rejection

Post 37

Ming Mang

Why thank you. smiley - smiley I took Critical thinking this year to make sure I kept up practice (and to get a qualification for not a lot really). Haven't got bored in that yet, so I'm doing well. smiley - smiley


Oxford Rejection

Post 38

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - musicalnoteOh Collingwoodsmiley - winkeye

It's only four hours from London to Durham. I did the journey by train for the meet last yearsmiley - smiley *and* it's direct!

Oxford Rejection

Post 39

Ming Mang

It is? From which station?


Oxford Rejection

Post 40

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

King's Crosssmiley - smiley

And atm I can't get on M$N. I'm hoping to buy a modem as soon as I get to Durham but I may not be able to afford itsmiley - erm

I'll have to give you me mobile no. by email or sommatsmiley - smiley

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