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Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Legolas the Slart Posted Sep 30, 2000
Just think how much fun it will be when you want a proper job!!
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Bluebottle Posted Oct 2, 2000
Very true!
I passed the second interview - so now before I can start, I have to have a training session on Tuesday - and then I start work, I guess... Life's too complicated by far.
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Legolas the Slart Posted Oct 2, 2000
This is a crazy backward world, where murderers get 4 months in jail, and drivers get a grand fine. So you'll probably have to go on a 3 week training course fr a mcdonalds course, and get a 70 Grand job in the city in one interview. Paper round took 55mins I keep it (Then i don't have to go to orchestra)
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Bluebottle Posted Oct 3, 2000
I know that the world's mixed up....
Well - I'll be able to let you know over the next few weeks what working for McDonalds is really like.
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Bluebottle Posted Oct 26, 2000
It's not as bad as I thought... It's just very hot, and very wet.
At least the people there're quite friendly. It's not the best job I've had, but better than working in a tomato greenhouse!
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Legolas the Slart Posted Oct 26, 2000
Tomato greenhouse, is this a past and painful experience
Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
Bluebottle Posted Oct 26, 2000
Yes, it wasn't the best of jobs by any means. Especially with the heat, the slime, and the allergic reactions to tomato vines...
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Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle
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