This is the Message Centre for Legolas the Slart

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 61

Legolas the Slart

I still have no clue how to actually GET that domain name, its just the only planet one thats free. I don't know about paying because its a mates webspace, and its free.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 62


I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't have my own PC, or website, all I do is use the Uni's computers to check e-mail and H2G2...

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 63

Legolas the Slart

Ok then, I think we've uncovered some free space N E way.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 64


That's good. smiley - smiley So, how long until something's there, do you think?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 65

Legolas the Slart

It should be online in about a week or 2.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 66


Slarti, I'm a user - it's all free until you want to take the domain name to another provider, it costs about £95.00. Naturally you do have to use their server, but not necessarily their dialup connection.

Great coastlines, but I hope to Zarquon that you're not responsible for the East Riding coast...

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 67

Legolas the Slart

Web page is nearly complete! How did the big h2g2 makeover go for you? I had to delete all m Javascript -stiff- oh well it cluttered up the page

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 68


Yes, the same happened to me. It was a little sad to see my page shrink, and I still am deciding on what to do about my friend list, but the rest like the clock and the other stuff I guess wasn't essential.
Still, in a week or so I'll get used to it again...

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 69

Legolas the Slart

Yeah, the Java cluttered up the homepage anyway. I don't like what they have done to the forums, you have to go through pages and pages to get to the most recent posts!smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 70


I know - although they do have a short cut. If you add
&show=300 to the end of the URL then it will show you the first 300 messages in one go, and if you add
&skip=50 it will skip past the first 50 messages (or whatever number) but is still more awkward. But the Editors know about it, and say they are doing all they can to modify it soon. I guess we'll have to wait. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 71

Legolas the Slart

Ah, I didn't know that!smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 72


Nor did I until last night, but then I'm sure more will be done. If we find things awkward, we know that the technical team are too, and that soon enough the problem will be fixed. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 73

Legolas the Slart

Good, the Robot Wars entry got processed by the subbies, so I'm hoping another 3 weeks max till its gets seen by the editors.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 74


That'll be good - make sure you let me know when it ends up on the front page. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 75

Legolas the Slart

Which skin do you prefer?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 76


The Classic Goo. I've been using this skin for over a year, and it's what I'm used to. H2G2 doesn't really look right without it.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 77

Legolas the Slart

I did like classic goo, but my homepage looks better in Albaster, I like the new features oh Albaster and Albaster does take less time to load.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 78


Maybe - I've got some of my IDs on Alabaster, but Bluebottle uses Classic Goo. Afterall, the smileys look better with a Blue background. smiley - smiley
But whatever you're happy with, I guess.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 79

Legolas the Slart

Which other IDs do you have?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 80


I've got about 6, including The Man On The Flmaing Pie (who can only quote from Beatles songs) and A Fish Called Honda.
Plus Venus in Fly Trap, Venus in Blue, Bluebottle and a secret one that no-one knows about.

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