This is the Message Centre for Legolas the Slart

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 1


Hopefully this will solve confusion. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 2

Legolas the Slart

How do I get those smileys on my work?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 3


As for canoeing, I've had a go once or twice. I found surfskis a lot easier to use though - far more maneoverable. Living on the Isle of Wight we don't have any canoeable rivers, so it's all sea work smiley - smiley
Music wise, I play the bugle, and that's it. I'm considered a big Beatles and Wings fan smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 4


Smileys are drawn by typing:
: - ) = smiley - smiley
; - ) = smiley - winkeye
: - ( = smiley - sadface
8 - ) = smiley - bigeyes
> < > = smiley - fish
Just type that with nowt in between smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 5

Legolas the Slart

What is a bugle?smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 6


A bugle is a 5-noted brass instrument - like a trumpet but without the valves. It's what they play "Last Post" on at war memorial services etc.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 7

Legolas the Slart

I can now typesmiley - smileybut these do not apperar on my guideML work. Is there a special way to do this?

From Slarti!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 8


On the GuideML work, you have to link to them.
So include:
smiley - smiley
smiley - winkeye
smiley - bigeyes
smiley - sadface
smiley - fish

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 9

Legolas the Slart

Thanks for your help. Seeing as you have expierence from using guideML (and I am a beginer) I would like to ask a question, this is causing me great dilema. In my new entry there is a glitch I cannot seem to sort. Every time I preview my work I gat the SYNTEXT 'no opening for TEXT'. I have an opening for the text command, and both are equal cases. All the others in my work are fine. I cannot see why it ceases to recognise this opening. It also regognises the and command in between the text. Its a mystery to me!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 10


In using GuideML, you don't actually need any tags. (Or I hope not as I've never used 'em smiley - winkeye), so perhaps that's why the preview's getting confused. I believe that the GuideML will naturally assume that everything IS text, unless you tell it otherwise.
Try removing all tags, and see if that helps. Let me know what happens!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 11

Legolas the Slart

There was no problem with the text commands. I had left one of my /text commands unopened. GuideML had just related the error to the wrong command. It had spotted an error on my work, it had just highlighted the error somewhere else(highlting=!*!). I use the TEXT commands to put spaces in my work. For Example:
helloWould just write hellohello(I want the two words on different lines, hence the RETURN in between them) if you want the second 'hello' on a different line you can put:
I use the TEXT commands instead of just BODY because BODY does not allow spaces.smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 12

Legolas the Slart

Tinsy prob. Every link I write takes people to h2g2 home.
I write them:

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 13

Legolas the Slart

Your entry (The Beach) is a good place to hang out, just a quick question(s)
A.Where did you get the pictures
B. How do you get different colours and sizes.(If you used HTML and not GUIDEML please do not tell me, the concept of using HTML gives me nightmares about difficult stuff)
C.What does being a lifegaurd envolve?smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 14


Links you do by typing:
(If a H2G2 page)
A researcher to a researcher and
An article to an article.
If it's not a H2G2 page, then write:
Some place

The tag seems to work very well for me to end lines, but if your way works, no need to change it!

As for being a lifeguard, all it involves is just saying that you're a lifeguard and taking part in the lifeguards forum - and you get a link!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 15


I'm glad you like the beach!
The pictures I got from various places - I didn't bother doing them myself!
As for the different colours and sizes, I used GuideML, and it's easy.
For colours, write This is red and you can use almost any colour you can think up (except black smiley - sadface)
For size, it's easy by typing this is small
This is big
Just say a size and see what happens!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 16

Legolas the Slart

Thanks for your help(my homepage is now a more colourful place) Please check out my guide entry on my homecity of Hull (I want your Opinion.) Is a surfski one of those things where you sit on top instead of in a cockpit?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 17


Okay, I'll take a look! smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 18

Legolas the Slart

Is ther a place were I can see all new guideML commands?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 19


I'd recommend:
And visit the GuideML FAQ at
And the GuideML Clinic at:

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 20


Hope they help! smiley - smiley

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