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Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 101

Legolas the Slart

Hi BB,

I've been on holiday for 3 weeks in france and Windows crashed so I have been absent from h2g2 for a while. But I'm back now for good!!!
I don't understand the bit about the President explain?smiley - bigeyes

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 102

Legolas the Slart

By the way did you notice the 100th forum entry????

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 103


Yep - 100 posts, quite a conversation smiley - winkeye
The bit about the President is to do with the h2g2 Presidential elections - I'm running with Peregrin. You can find out about it here:

So, how was the holiday???

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 104

Legolas the Slart

It was warm, I learned to waterski, I went Parasending!! Its really weird. The boat tows you along in a parachute a a speed of about 60mph but when your up there it feels like your hardley moving. Because your over water you don't get that much of a sense of height so it was good, great view. The beachs were nice, we went to a few restaurants. I actually enjoyed that drive down there. We go North Sea Ferries so its better because we live in Hull and go Hull-Zeebrugge (Port of Brugge,Belgium) so at least when youve driven 500 miles to the south of France you only have to drive 5 mniles to the surburbs of Hull. Its also a goo job the French Fishermen didn't blockade Zeebrugge. But then again the Belgiums don't have high fuel prices so they had no reason to Blockade.

I'll finish rambling now, how was yours?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 105


Sounds a great holiday - parascending, water-ski-ing - I've lived all my life on an Island and never done any of that. Oh well, c'est la vie. smiley - winkeye As for me - I've not done anything or gone anywhere. I've just been applying for summerjobs, but no-one's employed me. smiley - sadface

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 106

Legolas the Slart

Why is that?smiley - sadface

Skint, ditto, Paperounds are Slave Laubor and I don't even have one so thats my cash situationsmiley - sadface

School restartssmiley - sadface

Whoever says they are the best days of your life was probably 40 and deluded about there wonderfull childhoodsmiley - sadface

I voted for you in the h2g2 electionssmiley - smiley I didn't no any other names any way, I hope you win!smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 107


I know about the paper round situation - I've been there, done that, whole year of my life every day, 7 days a week. I can't believe I got out of bed at 6am each day! smiley - bigeyes I must have been mad! But then I did go to bed before midnight...
As for the school years being the best years of your life - well, when I was at school they were the only years I remembered, so yes, they were. They were also the worst. But that speach sounds like "Golden Age" syndrome to me - it was probably the best years for the bullies, but not for anyone who was bullied.

But thanks for the vote - I'll do my best to do nothing - the spirit of any politician.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 108

Legolas the Slart

OK, just don't end up incompetant like The Laubor Government.smiley - smiley

I'm tried to get work,(if its flogging dodgey web sites or a paper round)

Were tried the business aproach, although 2 teenagers with a generall lack of expierence won't get far, anyway, we will see!smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 109


Well, I promise I'll try not to be incompetant. As far as I can tell, being President doesn't actually involve doing a lot, so I'll probably just end up weird and unusual - possibly lazy - but never incompetent.

But that's always the trouble with finding work:
"What experience do you have?"
"Well, we'll employ you when you have some experience."
How can I get experience if no-one will employ me until I have experience?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 110

Legolas the Slart

True, true smiley - sadface

Maybee when you get yer degree ehsmiley - smiley

I got myself a rondsmiley - smiley Its slave laubor byt its moneysmiley - smiley

Flogging websites brings no success when its done by teenagerssmiley - sadface

Ah well... Lifes not all badsmiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 111

Legolas the Slart

I appologise for the Appalling Spelling (this is the predicted English Level 7 in the SNTs)

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 112


I remember the paper round exploitation well... But hopefully one day the right job'll come. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 113

Legolas the Slart

I hope so too!smiley - sadface

I'm thinking of doing laaaww what did you think of itsmiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 114


Honestly, a lot of it was fun, a lot of it wasn't so interesting (esp. property, but criminal & Tort were great!). There are lots of good things about it, but it just wasn't for me. I don't know - if you did it, what would you do? There's an awful lot of it, and no 2 areas seemed to be alike... The different subjects & lecturers made it seem completely different.

Sorry for the very vague answer! But law's like that. smiley - winkeye

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 115

Legolas the Slart

I just wan't law I suppose, waht about the course your doing now?

Papaerround took 2hours, I may have to find alternative employmentsmiley - sadface

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 116


2 hours? Oh dear... Mine took about an hour and a quarter - it was okay, unless it rained or hailed or had a real storm... I remember being out in the thunder at about 6:43am... That was quite worrying as it was pitch black and each flash was VERY bright. smiley - bigeyes
This week I am seeing if I can get a job working for McDonalds. That won't be all that great, but better than nothing.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 117

Legolas the Slart

A least you won't be thick like all the other staff that work theresmiley - smiley

Did you win the Election, note 'vice prez bit'smiley - smiley Or is it just wihfull thinkingsmiley - smiley

Round took 1 1/4hours I think may keep itsmiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 118


Yep - we won the election, so thanks for your support. smiley - smiley Now it means I get to call myself Vice Pres and go around, urm, calling myself vice pres. And that's about it. But it's fun. smiley - smiley

As for McDonalds - I'll see how my interview today goes. I have to go into McDonalds at tea time - when it's busiest - and fine someone called "Jim".... Hmmm....

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 119

Legolas the Slart

Well did you get the job, vice prez?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 120


Not yet... I passed a first interview - I have a second interviwe tomorrow (Friday) which, if I pass, means I get to have a three week trial period...
..And all I want to do is work at McDonalds! Not as if I'm applying for ownership of a multi-national corporation or anything. smiley - bigeyes

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