This is the Message Centre for Legolas the Slart

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 21

Legolas the Slart

After a little grammer correction, a small addition, and finally some links that link I hacve submitted the Hull entry. How long will it take before I get some feedback?

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 22


I hope you weren't planning on holding your breath - submitted articles take between 10-20 weeks to be approved or rejected, with most of my ones waiting about 17/18. It's a very long wait, I'm afraid smiley - sadface

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 23

Legolas the Slart

Thanks for an honest answer.
I was thinking of spicing my my page up witha few pictures. Do you know of any decent gallerys?smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 24


I'm afraid not, sorry. smiley - sadface

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 25

Legolas the Slart

I noticed the ACE bit! See the new improved homepage...........smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 26


Yes, good, isn't it? Now I can say that you've been greeted by an ACE.. smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 27

Legolas the Slart

What exactly do you lot do?smiley - winkeye

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 28


Not that much, really. We're just supposed to go around welcoming people to the guide, answering any questions they might have, and telling people about parts of the guide they'd found that have been neglected. Nothing I didn't do before, really, so that's why I decided to do it.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 29

Legolas the Slart

So now you do exactly the same, with a pay rise of a title and a banner on your homepage!
smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 30


Yep. Sounded like a good idea to me. No disadvantages, and an advantege or two.
But I won't let it get to my head - honest! I'm still old Bluebottle.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 31

Legolas the Slart

My First Aproved Entry!

The Beautiful City of Hull was sub-editted with Tnticker, and that was APROVED! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 32

Legolas the Slart

Do you play chess at all?
Cos, I found this realy great feature called h2g2 chess, but no one wants to play!
smiley - sadface

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 33


Dear Slartibartiwartifast (if it is you - although having followed some links on your home page I'm not even sure who I am.)
Thanks for the info on home page stuff for (?) benji - I couldn't help reading it. I too am new at this game.
You've really got a handle on this stuff, ain't yer. Impressive.
So far I have sent one email. It went out just as the ISP went down but I didn't notice. I pressed send again and got a message to "be patient". (Oh, no. It's happened again)(and I got your name wrong)
Miffed, I pressed again and got the message "Please do not press this button again!"
Sound familiar?
Yeah. Great.
In the event the message went in triplicate.
That's my credentials. I've got a long way to go; but thanks to you I may set off in the right direction.
Good Luck and Congratulations on the coast lines.


Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 34

Legolas the Slart


Thank you!
Its very nice to know I'm apreciated, it dosen't take long to get the hang of!

The forum name was created before I shortened my name.
! (as most could not spell the previous one)

I will not chang it again, so not to confuse.
When I started I got the 'please do press this button again' message. It just happens when you press the 'send' button sometimes, and also if you do and then cancel the action. (your ISP going down caused this-maybe)

P.s What coastlines?smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 35

Legolas the Slart


I also noticed the Isle of Wight Tudor Houses thing!
Well done for getting it approved.
I currently have 4 submitted.
Slarti!smiley - smiley

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 36


(See I'm learning - I've dropped the "Dear")


(I omitted to mention that I am incredibly old.
When "Hitchhiker" was originally broadcast, I used to thrash my Citroen Ami 8 Estate - with its throbbing 602 cc engine - 4 miles home from the pub, switch on the music centre to record the programme, and zoom back to force another pint down my unwilling throat. When we got thrown out we'd all go back to our place for a cup of something whilst listening to the recording. The girls would all fall asleep on the nice fluffy carpet which we could afford then - but not now - the lads would discuss the prospects of the local football clubs without actually coming to blows, and I would laugh uncontrollably at the show.)

Back to Coastlines

I have carefully examined the copyright notice on the Pan paperback edition of "the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy" and I should be able to quote a small portion of page 123 without having any of my more sensitive bits chopped off. Fingers crossed, here goes:
The Earth has been destroyed and Arthur Dent, former inhabitant thereof, encounters Slartibartfast who is hard at work constructing ... something:
' "The Earth ..." whispered Arthur.
Well, the Earth Mark Two in fact," said Slartibartfast cheerfully. "We're making a copy from our original Blueprints."
There was a pause.
"Are you trying to tell me," said Arthur, slowly and with control "that you originally ... made the Earth?"
"Oh yes," said Slartibartfast. "Did you ever go to a place ... I think it was called Norway?"
"No," said Arthur "no, I didn't."
"Pity," said Slartibartfast, "that was one of mine. Won an award you know. Lovely crinkly edges. I was most upset to hear of its destruction." '

After that the conversation becomes slightly surreal.

Sorry this is rather lengthy but I have to address the reason for your questioning "Coastlines":
a) you have forgotten your design and the award - unlikely, you were so proud of it;
b) you are an impostor - unlikely, you would have researched the role so as not to be caught out;
c) you are the victim of a malfunction in an infinite improbability drive craft and been transported to a parallel universe where you did not design the Norwegian coastline - possible, I must go and buy an up to date atlas to check that out.



Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 37

Legolas the Slart

Dear plaguesville


I get it now!
(its been such a long time since I read the hitch-hiker books)
P.S You ARE learning, the 'Dear' bit is nothing to do with the Internet, its just that I'm slightly impersonal! Ypu can still say 'Dear' if you want!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 38


Hi, Slarti,
(That should avoid potential discomfort)


Perfect response to diatribe.
Nice one.

Best wishes on Primrose Day.

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 39


Thanks - and well done on your Hull article - the sub-eds are currently working overtime to do more sub-edding. They've also got around 30 more sub-eds, so that's probably why it's doing so well.
I'll go and look at your Hull entry right now. Sorry for the delay, but I haven't been online for a while - my journal entry on my page explains why!

Slartibartiwartifast & Bluebottle

Post 40

Legolas the Slart

I'm back, thanks for the e-mail and help (I e-mailed you back) I'm know going to link you from my page and from robot wars!smiley - smiley

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