This is the Message Centre for Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

10 years on hootoo

Post 301

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There are young women who make very good companions for older men. There are also young women who do not. Companionship is not a bad reason for older people to get together. There won't be any children involved (except from earlier marriages, and these are presumed to be grown up and on their own). Cultural reference points will be mutually understood, preventing the need for a lot of explaining of common expressions made by one or the other partner.

10 years on hootoo

Post 302


smiley - applause a very sage and erudite observation PaulH smiley - smiley

Shall we start having fun now, academics????? smiley - winkeye

10 years on hootoo

Post 303

Pirate Alexander LeGray

Yes but I can get enough company and absolutely no hassle without an old girl, they tend to be disinterested in my interests and conversation never goes beyond discussing tv as if it were real.

I'd rather pick my nose with a pair of forceps than shack up with an old girl, but I mean old in mind and body because for a long time I had an internet smiley - diva who was highly intelligent and over 50.

But she was mega rich and thought we were too different to get together; which is another reason as was her Ferrari owning opinionated son Daniel.

I can do without the hassle. smiley - cheers

10 years on hootoo

Post 304


I must admit, if Miss Knightly was desperate enough to go out on a date with me, I may well have to ditch my principles. I am a man of principles smiley - cool but if you don't like them, I have others! smiley - ok
With thnks and acknowledgement to Groucho Marx. smiley - biggrin

10 years on hootoo

Post 305

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Groucho is always there with a quip if you need one. smiley - smiley

One day in the early 1950s, the head of the New York Stock Exchange gave Groucho a tour of the facility, and then asked him is he owned any stocks. When Groucho replied in the negative, the man asked where groucho kept his money. Groucho's reply was that he had all his money in Treasury Bills [short-term U.S. government securities of the sort that money market funds, had they existed then, would have been invested].

"Treasury bills!?" the man exclaimed. "You can't make very much from them!"

"You can if you have enough of them," Groucho replied.

10 years on hootoo

Post 306

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Only yesterday I was told that the perfect measurements of a lady are 87-35-43

87 years

35 millions in the bank

+43C (as in lethal fever)

smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

10 years on hootoo

Post 307


Dear Pierce the smiley - pirate

Go and find a nice little corner in a room and repeat slowly one million times

"I must not tease,
"I must not tease
"I must not tease"
until you fall down exhausted......

but you made me laugh all the same. !
That first number was too close for comfort.....!


28/II/2010 11.45 GMT

10 years on hootoo

Post 308

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Sorry about that, Christiane smiley - blush

I'll just raise that number to 97 then, shall I? smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

10 years on hootoo

Post 309


smiley - rofl Naughty smiley - piratesmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

10 years on hootoo

Post 310

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You only need to raise it to 90. We don't want to wait so long to share that fortune. smiley - evilgrin

smiley - whistle

10 years on hootoo

Post 311


smiley - runDear friends,

You are ALL going to have to smiley - whistle for it - at whatever age your prefer. You will all be there one day and then you will all be sorree that you were so horrid to your old friend

the AR80/90/100 year old
AlsoRan. the First. !!!!

smiley - runingsmiley - runingsmiley - runing slower and slower but still smiley - runingsmiley - run

Collapses in a heap.

Oh dear. !!!!

Sunday 28th Feb, 2010 18.05 GMT

10 years on hootoo

Post 312

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You aren't the one we're talking about, Christiane. smiley - hug

Actually, I don't really know who we're talking about. Probably somebody totally fictional.

10 years on hootoo

Post 313


Ah well. I am really sad...smiley - sadface

I was enjoying that little bit of banter....!!

Sleep tight when you do go to bed - those of you across the pond.

For those of you on this side of the world, will we ever be the same again with all the Tsunamis and horrid earttqiales ?

Our friend in New Zealand says they were not expecting such a big Tsunami to roll up on South Island.

Bonne nuit


Sunday 28th Feb. 2010 20.42GMT

10 years on hootoo

Post 314

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I suppose so, Paulh

I do not know any wealthy women of said age and condition myself and with all the wealth I have - er - collected myself over the years I would not care anyway smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

10 years on hootoo

Post 315

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

After you get past a certain age, the things you would need a fortune for tend to seem less important. A swimming pool? You don't feel like swimming in it as often as you used to. A grand estate with a huge lawn? Your feet hurt, so inspecting it on foot is unlikely, and you nap when your chauffeur drives you around it. A private jet? You prefer to stay home and relax. Jewelry for your favorite smiley - divasmiley - diva? You enjoy looking at them, of course, but there are days when you can't remember what else you're supposed to do with them. smiley - huh You like having a well-appointed house, of course, but you'd rather eat at the small breakfast table in the kitchen than the long table in the fancy dining room, because the salt and suger are too far away.

10 years on hootoo

Post 316


Oh my dear paulh,

At last!!

I think he's got it!!

(a la Rex Harrison, but of course you are too young to remember that)

It was soooo good to wake up this morning, after a good night;s sleep, and when I opened up this website to find your very humourous reply.

It evoked a real hearty laugh -thank goodness. which made me feel wonderful.

Baie dankie
Danke schon (I di niot have the sign to put above the "o" apologies to all our friends from l'Allemagne)
Mille fois merci.
A thousand thanks.

a wonderful way to start the day
when you are as old as

Croesus of course.

Perhpas Pierce the smiley - pirate will teach me how to say thank you in Danish. Oh! and btw, not even 97 is OK.!! But you have been in the corner long enough. Come on out.

Now,,having been given a wonderful way to start the day, I am off to continue my chores!!

With a great many thanks dear Paulh.


1/III/2010 7.55GMT

10 years on hootoo

Post 317

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~


There, now you have ¨'s enough for the next 42 times you want to say "danke schön", Christiane smiley - ok

In Denmark we simply say "tak" (or "tusind tak" = "thousand thanks")

In Sweden and Norway the say the same (albeit spelled a bit differently) and I am sure the smiley - ta used here on hootoo (and preferably in the north of England, I believe?) is a legacy from the viking tongue smiley - geek

smiley - pirate

2010 03 01 03.46pm GMT+1

10 years on hootoo

Post 318

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Oh, I forgot to mention that I agree with Paulh completely and I hope both he and I will win the lottery while we still can enjoy a stately mansion with a huge park, swimming pools and tennis courts etc. to the max smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

10 years on hootoo

Post 319


And be like Hugh Heffner smiley - bigeyes Hope I hget an invite for the party then smiley - cool

10 years on hootoo

Post 320

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You are so very welcome, Christiane.

But I am *not* too young to remember Rex Harrison. It was he who ushered in my 50-year crush on Julie Andrews. I wrote a song about my crush on Miss Andrews, and sang it on Feb. 13 at my chorus's Pops Concert. My song brought down the house. I didn't realize it would be so popular, I just wanted to write something that was about love, and in my vocal range. I manage to weave six or seven of Julie's greatest hits into it, either in the lyrics or with piano snippets slyly inserted where they couldn't help being noticed. smiley - winkeye I have friends who recorded it while the ocncert was underway. Someday there may be CDs of it.

Anyway, when I was 12 I started earning pocket money by shoveling the steps and mowing the lawn of the library in my town. I spent the money on Original cast Broadway show recordings. The first one I bought, f course, was "My Fair Lady" with Julie Andrews and Rex Harrison and Robert Coote and Cathleen Nesbitt. That Christmas, I asked for (and got) the album for "Camelot," with Julie Andrews, Richard Burton and Robert Goulet. Now you know about my crush on Julie Andrews!

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