This is the Message Centre for Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )


Post 1


am/was sifting through the h2g2 pages of those online.
nice quirky page you have. smiley - smiley


Post 2

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I can't believe I haven't noticed this for as long...smiley - sadface

So sorry...

Quirky...hmm...I like that...smiley - smiley


Post 3

Hopelessly Paranoid

Heeeeey there l'il momma... smiley - smiley

Just dropped by to say for thankyou for saving the galaxy and stoppin by my lil page... here is your long overdue cookie ( :: ) (its choc-chip raisin)... I'm just getting lots of cool stuff to make my page even swankier... then maybe ppl will visit me... and I...I might even get friends... goody!

May you stay forever in the light of the sacred brownie...

Trilly smiley - smiley


Post 4

Hopelessly Paranoid

Heeeeey there l'il momma... smiley - smiley

Just dropped by to say for thankyou for saving the galaxy and stoppin by my lil page... here is your long overdue cookie ( :: ) (its choc-chip raisin)... I'm just getting lots of cool stuff to make my page even swankier... then maybe ppl will visit me... and I...I might even get friends... goody!

May you stay forever in the light of the sacred brownie...

Trilly smiley - smiley


Post 5

Hopelessly Paranoid

and if you can spot the'll earn you another cookie!...

smiley - tongueout


Post 6

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*munches on one of the cookies.....then munches on the other...*

ah-ha! I know where the difference is....there're 2 *different* cookies...smiley - smiley

I know...not what you were after...but it's still...erm...."true"...smiley - winkeye

How are you...? ...and I believe 10-forward could do with a barman again on the new Esirpretne-Z...if you're interested...? smiley - smiley

...and is it you who added me to their ICQ...? just out of interest....cos there were a lot of nicknames there...smiley - winkeye i get another cookie?? *looks hopeful* smiley - smiley


Post 7

jr52 (ting-a-)

No cookies from me. I cook but, can't bake.
Saw you in the ballroom and just wanted to belatedly tell you how great you looked(and needed to leave a post because I wanted a short cut over here so I can use the guide links).

If I wasn't already commited to The C & D your taste for classical and jazz could have won me over.

Ah well, my loss.



Post 8

Hopelessly Paranoid

You got it right! You really are raking in the cookie dough (hahahahhahaha) aren't you> smiley - smiley ...

Anywho it was me who added you on ICQ, just so I could keep tabs on you and stalk you a lot. BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA...

And itf there's a barman job going, I'll take it smiley - winkeye

Keep Me Posted

Trilly smiley - smiley


Post 9

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Hi jr52! :-) thanks for stopping by..even if it is for a shortcut...;-) it's a shame my taste for classical & jazz couldn't sway you though... hmm...what about a donut...or a cheesy biscuit..would that work...? ;-) Heehee...Trilly..I just veryone gets to call you Hopelessly Paranoid...your nick will get shortened to "HP"...;-) *mutters* I will not say "sauce"..i will not say "sauce"...;-) ..and I dn't mind being stalked...too long as you don't use those night-vision goggles, then everything's fine...:-) ...and the Esirpretne's sort of off again...and could probably do with a good barman to help with plot-thingies...:-) if anyone's interested.. :-)

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