i don't sing in the shower, but i'm half-sheep-half-colourperson. what are you?

Salutations, Whoever-You-Are. <BR/><blockquote>
It's hot and humid where I am, the air-conditioning doesn't work and I'm left with one measly fan to cool me as I type out this. So do forgive me if I start sounding incoherent, ignorant or plain illogical. (this is not to say that i am usually considered sane under normal circumstances. whatever normal means, anyway. )<BR/>
I'm in a crazy-crazy mood, dah-lings. I could whirl around and yell 'I Believe I Can Fly', arms outstretched like an unsightly-gawky goose, with a little-itsy-bitsy-teensy-weensy voice in me muttering 'nah you can't, you psycho'. <BR/>
Of course I can't. I can't do very much, to be nice-blunt-frank-honest. <BR/>
I can ramble, though. <BR/>
[can you hear me singing to myself?]<BR/>
Mostly with my fingers, but sometimes my voice is capable of doing that too, especially when I talk to colour-people at about 2 or 3am in the morning. (if you're not a sheep, you're a colour person. and if you didn't understand that, you're a sheep, dearie. )<BR/>
You get drunk on yourself when you don't sleep, didn't you know that, hmm?<p>

I've just realised. <BR/>
Introductions are generally useless, unless there are many of them, over and over again. (the little voice is oozing 'waxing philosophical' into my ear now. aaagh. shoo. shoo. )<BR/>
journal entries are essentially introductions. if you think about it. <BR/>
[think about it!]<p>

My fingers like running around on the keyboard. Gives them exercise. But they get tired, like my brain-at-the-moment. <BR/>
Plus, this is looking long enough. So. In one word/two letters...<p>



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