This is the Message Centre for diathione

Yay, another familiar person!

Post 1

Brie Cheese Eater

Okay, so lessee, the people I knew before they came to h2g2...
And you...
I think that's all.

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 2


will go look for his page.

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 3


Hello there. It seems that you've discovered this place too.

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 4

Brie Cheese Eater

Gotta get him over here. You know his URL, right? It's hidden in NDAK somewhere.

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 5


hello Nicc and BCE.
yeah i found this place and it seems very nice with a comfy feeling of together-ness, sort of.
(was that a typical incoherent sentence?)
and i also found flashwin/ashwin/ashman/whatever-he-wants-to-call-himself's page. from the search place. smiley - smiley

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 6

Brie Cheese Eater

Uh-oh. What with your "flashwin/ashwin/ashman/whatever-he-wants-to-call-himself," it sounds like he WANTS to call himself Flashman... (yes, typical nutter thinking)

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 7


h'okay then, i shall call him flashman.
smiley - smiley
i just realised indians and germans pronounce their 'v's the same vay.

re:Yay, another familiar person!

Post 8

Brie Cheese Eater

Vhat is this strange obsession vith Vs replacing Ws?
Vait a minute.
I should not qvestion others on their obsessions.
After all, I am also vun who gets obsessed easily.

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