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NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 4, 2013
That is interesting about the Dark Materials - I read it and quite enjoyed it, but I did think there was an odd flavour to it, and that explains it indeed...
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababyn
pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? Posted Nov 4, 2013
My 'favourite' book is James Joyce 'Ulysses'. I saw it on a list of the greatest novels ever written and thought, 'That's for me then.' Trouble is I read two or three chapters, put it down, start on something else and by the time i get back to it I have to start again from the beginning. It's one of those books that you have to get into the rythmn of and after a month or so, the rythmn has gone.
So far it has lasted about four years, and I am currently on..... chapter one. Ho hum.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababyn
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 4, 2013
I think the first three chapters of Ulysses are awful. Then the character of Leopold Bloom is introduced and it starts getting interesting.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
hellboundforjoy Posted Nov 5, 2013
I read His Dark Materials but I don't remember much about it except I thought the third book especially could have used some editing.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 10, 2013
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? Posted Nov 11, 2013
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Nov 11, 2013
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 11, 2013
"If James Joyce had written "Dark Materials," how widely read do you think it would have been?"
A lot less. "His Dark Materials" has sold about 15 million copies on a list of best selling books/series. No James Joyce book features on the list.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Beatrice Posted Nov 11, 2013
My current kindle reading is Iain Banks' The Bridge, which I'm enjoying enormously. But I never get enough time to read.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Nov 11, 2013
Today's Daily Deal on kindle is the 'Hunger Games' trilogy for £2 and the odd pence. I am not sure I'd enjoy it much. Is it dystopian Scifi or Urban fantasy. I really curl up with a pain in my eyes at things like twilight and teenage horror.
I know a lot of my friends like Hunger Games, so I thought you'd like to hear about the kindle deal before it expires.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 11, 2013
I've been told by a teenager that The Hunger Games is far better than Twilight.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Nov 11, 2013
I saw the first "Hunger Games" movie, and decided that that was enough for me.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? Posted Nov 11, 2013
"I've been told by a teenager that The Hunger Games is far better than Twilight."
Is that in the sense that a broken arm is better than a broken leg?
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 11, 2013
I've so* missed not being able to read, the past week or so, whilst my netbook was out of action utterly lost really
But glad to say its now working, and sudden book title came into my head (I think someoen on h2g2 mentioned they were really* supprised I'd not already read), so I'm reading that... and very strange it is... in a sort of odd way... (Its the Storey of O), which is I think dated from about the mid 70s... Not got that far into it yet though... but its... interesting
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Vip Posted Nov 11, 2013
Ooooh, O is... really quite disturbing. I did make it all the way to the end and... yes. Hmm.
It's the way that consent and non-consent get very blurry that gets me.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 11, 2013
I've maybe not quite got far enough to get to 'that' yet... as it were... I mean, the whole consent'non-consent', in terms of some BDSM/Sub/Dom stuff I'm quite... err... aweare of... ; the consentual giving of oneself to something unplesant (useually pain), from another person, or divesting 'control' to that other person, which, in a perverted way (no, not that* kind of perverted), often actually means the sub, is the one with power... I kinda get
Its a strange mix, to my mind, thus far, of a very mechanical, sort of 'idealised' or 'ordered', form of 'submission', mixed with some odd psychiology; and it is I thin I expect this psychiological aspect which is going to get interesting as it moves on... One strange thing, certainly I find, is that I'm not really finding it 'erotic' in any way (I'm not getting 'cheapthrills' from reading it, in that* way)... I think this is because, its the psychiological aspects, from the onset, that really grabs ones attention, the 'pure sexual' stuff, isn't in the book, for* 'titulation', even though it is really rather explicit... It sort of should* read like reading 'porn storeys', but, just doesn't (to me at least) (and I don't just think that's because its a hetrosexual thing, thus far with the storey,)
. . Mind, I did 'flinch' at some of the early floggings in the book... I could just about feel them
I must try enlighten myself, one day, to some of the even older erotic, BDSM-edged fiction, wasn't there a bunch of Gothic stuff, writen really quite early? I've a vague recollection of there being it, but certainly haven't ever come across it
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
Vip Posted Nov 11, 2013
It's more that it starts out con, but as time goes by she seems to get brainwashed and loses her sense of will. Admittedly it's a fantasy, and perhaps I should have read it with that mindset (as in, the author would never want this to happen in real life but it's something to dream about). Anyway, you get the the end of the book and we'll stop taking over Lanza's journal.
NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 11, 2013
I'm still not that far in to it, having only gotten my netbook back working today...
Its quite 'hard going', not in terms of understanding it, or the language or anything, but because of this 'being in O's head', psychiology bit of it... Perhaps err, because I can, I can 'read between the lines', a lot, on her 'feelings' in it, as of my own experiences but, well, to me at least, the very* ritualistic 'version' of 'submition or BDSM', in it, is kinda a bit OTT...
hard to explain really... Though, I guess, to me, at least, or for me, I can kinda 'be in the same place', albeit, to a limited extent, that O, is, within some aspects at least of the submition bit, in a pure kind of submition way
and I just explained that really* badly
I'm just really really hoping it doesn't have a sad ending
I virtually cried at the end of the last book I read, and it was just a really trashy thiller thing
O is, or at least so far, submitting freely... and... hmmm. nah forgot where I was goign with that one
Maybe I'll need something really* light hearted to compliment this book, in a few days when I finish it... I've not read a solid, soppy, p Proper* old-fashioned romance in ages Or maybe just a comedy book/novel of soem discription
Either that... or I'll end up having to write the sequel to the book... so it ends 'correctly'
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NaJoPoMo -2- 2013 Lanzababy
- 21: SashaQ - happysad (Nov 4, 2013)
- 22: pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? (Nov 4, 2013)
- 23: Gnomon - time to move on (Nov 4, 2013)
- 24: hellboundforjoy (Nov 5, 2013)
- 25: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 10, 2013)
- 26: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Nov 11, 2013)
- 27: pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? (Nov 11, 2013)
- 28: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Nov 11, 2013)
- 29: Gnomon - time to move on (Nov 11, 2013)
- 30: Beatrice (Nov 11, 2013)
- 31: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Nov 11, 2013)
- 32: Gnomon - time to move on (Nov 11, 2013)
- 33: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Nov 11, 2013)
- 34: pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? (Nov 11, 2013)
- 35: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Nov 11, 2013)
- 36: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Nov 11, 2013)
- 37: Vip (Nov 11, 2013)
- 38: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Nov 11, 2013)
- 39: Vip (Nov 11, 2013)
- 40: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Nov 11, 2013)
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