This is the Message Centre for Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

you have been warned

Post 321

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Well it seems as though Deb might have been jumping the gun a bit on that one, but if it does happen she would be attached to a language school associated with the University.

I had already found myself a rugby club too smiley - winkeye

you have been warned

Post 322


If it your move does come to fruition and you buy a house, it may be possible to gain additional income by renting out a room(s) in your home to language students. During my recent trip down South I sat next to an elderly lady on a bus who has a large house near the language school in Bournemouth. She told me that she makes about £70 per week (I think it was bed & breakfast only) per student in rent and that the language school are always asking her to take in additional students. smiley - bigeyes

you have been warned

Post 323

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I'd rather have the house to myself i think, although perhaps i could be convinced if they were 20 year old scandanavian females smiley - drool

smiley - laugh

you have been warned

Post 324


smiley - laugh Tsk! Typical! smiley - bigeyes

What is this obsession with Scandinavian females that most men I know have? smiley - huh

you have been warned

Post 325

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

i believe it has something to do with their casual attitude towards sex

you have been warned

Post 326


I have a pretty casual attitude toward sex too, as John will all too readily testify. smiley - angel He asks if we can do it and I casually tell him to go away and leave me alone... smiley - tongueout

you have been warned

Post 327

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

That seems to be pretty much standard behaviour for married women as far as i can tell

you have been warned

Post 328


Awww! Didums den! smiley - tongueout

It doesn't prevent us smiley - drooling over men that we aren't married to though! smiley - devil

Besides, if husbands generally weren't so boring/unromantic/unimaginative (eg: "How about a quick shag/bonk/blow *** then?") in bed, their wives be more...*receptive*.

Seriously though, having kids is one of the worst dampeners on a couple's sex life due to tiredness for both partners plus lack of time and privacy. smiley - erm

Also, whilst giving birth to Mair, I swore that nothing larger than a tampon would be going near my nether regions and almost bolted down the maternity unit's corridor when the smiley - nurse mentioned the word "internal" to me only a few hours after the birth! smiley - yikessmiley - laugh

you have been warned

Post 329

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

oh goody, that means i can drool over women i aren't married to smiley - cool

Deb had a planned caeserian thankfully as the almost 3 Rebecca was the wrong way around at the time. It made planning everything a lot easiersmiley - smiley

you have been warned

Post 330


I am glad that I had natural and drug-free childbirth for both my kids but if I'd had a caesarean I might not now be facing the prospect of a hysterectomy due to a prolapse. smiley - erm

Ah! The benefit of hindsight, hey? smiley - laugh

My own hind will be quite a sight after months of enforced rest following my operation...smiley - blush

Fortunately I've been visiting a gym 4 or 5 times per week and have managed to get myself in reasonable shape, so I should recover fairly quickly and hopefully will be back down the gym within four months from the operation. smiley - zen

Are you and Debs planning on having more children Linus?

you have been warned

Post 331

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

yes and no. thankfully my no is winning so far

you have been warned

Post 332


smiley - laugh

John's sister-in-law confided in me that she and John's brother were in a similar predicament until she sabotaged of some condoms with a pin and subsequently produced a baby boy! smiley - devil After that there was no stopping her and she went on to produce another three children...No doubt John's brother has completely lost his trust in condoms as a form of contraception by now...smiley - winkeye

you have been warned

Post 333

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

smiley - yikes

Now that Deb is in her 40s things are starting to naturally swing in my favour

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