This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

being serious four wonce

Post 21



Why would anyone assume from your poem that you were 'getting at' anyone in particular? Surely we all know someone like that smiley - huh

Rest assured your email addie has not been given to anyone by me, at the moment not even to one you gave permission for. Forwarded messages should always have others' email addresses removed first out of courtesy, but many, many people do not do this. I have always felt it a risky thing to do, as you never know where the addresses will end up and be used by others.

I often wonder what would happen if some such forwarded emails were returned to the companies where they often originate.I am sure they would be delighted to know how their employees spend their time. smiley - doh

Just because a person comes across an email address in this way does not entitle them to use it. I have had thousands over the years - just think what I could have done with them if i had a mind to smiley - grr

Just a thought - can you be sure of the sourcesmiley - huhor is someone else playing silly beggars?

Websailor smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 22

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

it's no problem my friends,nothing to worry about, I'm not going to lower my standards by trading insults with the unenlightened person. Just to say, that the poem/verse was submitted way before xmas and long before the person opened a thread to me - so my reply under the email letter should suffice.

being serious four wonce

Post 23

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Yes gets on my wick as well, that's what the BCC bit in email programs is for(I, think) once received an email with over a thousand other email address's very irritating, more so when on a mobile and paying by the MB.

Almost as bad is those that take personal exception to a posting, then start calling you names and such. When

"Most of the content on this site is created by h2g2's Researchers, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites referenced. In the event that you consider anything on this page to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please click here to alert our Moderation Team. For any other comments, please start a Conversation below." Appears on almost every pag you visit.

being serious four wonce

Post 24


I've yet to see the Prof post anything that can be remotely construed as being offensive to anyone, far from it.
If people wish to interpret any posting from anyone as offensive then that's their privilidge and the yikes button is there for anyone to use as they see fit. If the yikesing is upheld then fine otherwise live and let live.
The last time I made an error in a posting I didn't get an opportunity to correct it due to losing pc/internet access and by the time I came back on the usual troll and sock puppets decided to 'make hay' and not content with flaming in the one place went elsewhere continuing their trolling. To late for me to post a modified reply I did the next best thing and had the Eds remove my postings entirely. This sadly didn't stop the sock puppet or a certain other researcher from trying to continue his attrocious behaviour in trying to provoke others into a flame war so I had their posts yikesed as well. The yikesing was upheld. Given the opportunity, as those who know me well will vouch, if I post in error I generally do rectify as best as I can, always have done. Fortunately doesn't happen very often but it does show that there are folk around who will use these rare occassions to try and paint a picture that frankly is so far from the truth as to be laughable. I've decided in future, I'll just treat them with the contempt they deserve especially when you see their PS's you see they have very few friends and those they have are usually alias's they use for trolling anyway.
As I've told the Prof in person, numerous times, he's guarrenteed to bring a smile to anyones lips no matter what mood the reader is in and for that he deserves a huge pat on the back and I'm darn proud to call him a real friend.

smiley - cat

PS. For the record, I E-mailed the writer of that particular journal in question and apologised for the nasty turn of events that occurred while I was offline.

being serious four wonce

Post 25


I think misunderstandings can always happen. Especially on a site like this one here, because people from various country and different native languages communicate. People with a certain amount of intelligence will simply try to solve the problem by giving explanations. People with less intelligence or a bad character will just go on and talk/write badly about others.

And even if a tech problem occurs so a misunderstanding cannot be solved at once, unless you really want to behave badly you simply wait. But it is not really worth to take it to your heart if someone is like that.

And I agree wholeheartedly with you ST that Prof does bring smiles to those he writes to. Like you do as well.

being serious four wonce

Post 26


Flame wars in general are very confusing. I don't see the point in getting all worked up over something online. The internet is, for the most part, a fictional sort of world where a person can only really afford to be half-in, or else take the chance of losing touch with all reality.

I can never understand the people who live and die by the websites they visit and the friends they make online. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate and adore all of my friends here at Hootoo, but my life doesn't revolve around this website and what the people here think or any other website or chat-room.

If I don't agree with something someone writes, I let them know. And if they're not willing to hear my side of the argument, I move on. Which is why I find it so ridiculous that this "rev" person has gone out of his way to attack you and start something. It just doesn't make any sense. No mature, sensible adult would take it so far.

So don't sweat the stupidity, Prof smiley - cheerup You make everyone else laugh.
smiley - smooch

being serious four wonce

Post 27

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I agree with the above, completely!

There are some genuine cowards out there who really do need to hide behind internet personae (I've never seen the point- while I don't wish for my given name to be broadcast all over the internet, I've nothing to hide), and there are some people who project their own feelings, opinions and values onto others and then become quite vicious when they discover that they're dealing with real life people, with families and jobs and interests beyond h2g2 or the internet in general.

I love this site, and I appreciate the genuine friendships I've made with the sort of people who don't play the kinds of games the person you sent that email to (I have no experience with him but know plenty of people who have) plays. Even during a time when I was being stalked online and harassed by phone and email, it helped to remember that for every bad apple, there are bushels of good 'uns! smiley - biggrin

Prof, you've always been friendly, polite, sincere and kind. Don't let people like that get to you. smiley - hug

being serious four wonce

Post 28


The Prof is also rightly very miffed with whoever, no doubt in all innocence, gave this person his e/m address. There's a lesson there - we should always ask before doing such things. Always. It could have been even worse.

Jabsmiley - smiley

being serious four wonce

Post 29

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

The main point, was that Prof didn't give his email address to this person. Hence his reason for reacting the way he has done...

lil xx

being serious four wonce

Post 30

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I can totally sympathize- with me, it was my telephone number. smiley - erm I hope that whoever it was, did so without any bad intentions. Though I expect the person who actively sought the email address and sent the message did so knowing full well it wouldn't be welcomed.

being serious four wonce

Post 31

Nigel *ACE*

Hi Prof smiley - ok,

I have just been reading this thread and catching up smiley - biro.

Prof, remember a few weeks ago, when somebody moderated one of my posts? Well, I was so upset because I couldn't understand why and what content in it was offensive smiley - erm.

When you told Websailer to tell me not to worry about it and not to get upset about it gave me a vote of confidence . I took your advice and just let it go, if I had received an email from the person that did moderate me, well that would have made me angry smiley - sadface.

Prof, you make me laugh in your jokes and threads and its helps me to read your jokes which make me smiley - laugh.

When I was at school, I was always getting told off for having a smiley - biggrin on my face. I couldn't help it and when the teacher was shouting, it sometimes made me smiley - laugh.

It was the same at work. Just at an important big meeting or when I was doing my gardening talks in front of 25 or more people, I would suddenly think of a joke somebody told me and start giggling, once I started I just couldn't stop smiley - smiley. I had some very strange looks from people sometimes smiley - erm.

They say if you smiley - laugh out loud at least once a day, it helps your mood, increases some sort of chemical in the brain.

If you asked Webbie, she would say that I try to hide my depression with smiley - laugh, it isn't always easy when I am having a particular bad day but I would often tell some joke or make a funny comment which makes Webbie smiley - laugh. I have a reputation for being a 'naughty boy' smiley - laugh.

Its your fault Prof, such a bad influence on a young man smiley - run.

Hope you are keeping well.

Nigel smiley - cheers

being serious four wonce

Post 32

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

My fault! smiley - winkeyeaye! typicalsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeyelook around the room, find someone simple and pick on themsmiley - biggrin

Nigel, look at it this way my friend, it doesn't take money to smile - they are free, but the more you have, the richer you aresmiley - ok

being serious four wonce

Post 33


And I am even richer when I have two good friends like you. smiley - hug

Prof. Nigel is having computer trouble, though not so much with his but his Dad's, and routers!!! Don't ask!smiley - doh A lot of techie stuff I don't understand. He will be back as soon as he can.

Nite nite, sleep tight

Websailor smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 34

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - sadface1 router can bring a room of computers down

thanks for the info Webbiesmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

and your commentsmiley - smoochI reciprocate whole heartily smiley - smiley

being serious four wonce

Post 35

Nigel *ACE*

Thats true Prof smiley - laugh.

Its surprising how much we rely on technology now.

We have finally sorted the 'router' out, I don't want to see another wire or the underneath of a desk for a long time smiley - laugh.

Well, unless its with a young attractive lady smiley - blush

Nigel smiley - cheers.

being serious four wonce

Post 36

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - droolfind onesmiley - winkeyewith a good looking sister and I'll be round to help you tidy the cablessmiley - laugh

being serious four wonce

Post 37


find one with good looking twin sisters and I'll help too! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

being serious four wonce

Post 38

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

triplets smiley - coolas long as their not identicalsmiley - winkeye

being serious four wonce

Post 39

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You three aren't safe to be left alone! smiley - rolleyes

being serious four wonce

Post 40


Hi all. Howz everybody tonight???

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